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10 Global Elite Predictions for 2014+

10 Global Elite Predictions for 2014+

10 Global Elite Predictions for 2014+

#1 - Global Debt Collapse and Collapse of the Dollar

Banks including: Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), Citigroup Inc, (C.N), and Morgan Stanley (MS.N) have been notified by our government of a coming economic collapse. And while they claim this to be “preventative measures” it is all being done behind the backs of the American citizens. We the people are being left out to dry while the global elite prepare for the impending financial death of the dollar.

The Obama administration continually assures its citizens that the economy is improving all while deviously taking precautions on their end. Why is it that they are privy to such information and we are not? They hold quite conversations behind corporate boardroom doors preventing us for obtaining such information. As a result we are forced to examine the evidence around us which shouts, “Prepare! The Collapse is near!”

The elites goal is obviously collapsing the dollar, it is no longer a question of ‘if’ the collapse will happen but ‘when’ the collapse will happen. It’s inevitable! And the only purpose for collapsing the economy and the dollar is this: To erase the middle class and create a poor rule-able society. That is their main ambition for 2014.

#2- Continued Gunman’ Massacres

Various shootings have occurred across the nation, from Sandy Hook to the Colorado Batman Massacre. Some of these gunmen are mind controlled zombies created by the government, while others are just the product of society. Either way it fits the plans of the global elite perfectly, who’s goal it is to induce fear and fashion submissive citizens who are open to gun confiscation laws. After all anytime we hear of shootings the media boldly broadcasts, “disarmament, disarmament, disarmament!” Such claims lead me to believe their agenda is to disarm America, and thus I forecast continued gunman massacres.

“Never let a crisis go to waste,” Rahm Emanuel.

#3 – Implementation of Martial Law Across America

American citizens are soon to become endangered species under the current tyrannical regime that is now in charge of our country. Secretly and behind closed doors the Obama administration has been asking high ranking military commanders if they would fire on American citizens. These military personnel, who once swore their allegiance to protect Americans, are now being asked to fire on the very people they swore to protect. The irony!

This leads me to believe martial law will be enacted, which fits the agenda of the global elite like a glove. As a result they will push for global control and nullification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, eventually leading to extreme freedom loss across the nations.

#4 – Riots and Civil Unrest

Riots have already broken out in various states across the country. Some of which were provoked by the government themselves. Specifically the food stamp riot where DHS spent $80 million on a horde of armed guards to protect the IRS and other government buildings in New York from rioting food stamp recipients, the very riot they caused!

The global elite push for civil unrest in order that the media, and those who oppose the government, will be viewed as terrorists. Additionally, their intent is to have police patrolled streets, riots will be one way of accomplishing that goal; which leads me to believe we will continue to see riots in the upcoming years.

#5 – Ignite World War Three

While most of the country is obsessing over the death of Paul Walker, the Global elite are obsessively planning World War 3. Most of us were not even aware when WWII happened, or the fact that it killed over 52 million people; however this coming World War, according to ominous biblical prophecy, could potentially kill over 2 billion people. This single cataclysmic event could propel the people into the arms of a one-world leader and his one-world government; which is the supreme intent of the power elite.


#6 – Attack the First Amendment

Our freedom of speech has been under attack for quite some time now, 2014, 2015, 2016, and beyond will be no different. Technological innovations such as the Internet have made it possible for average Americans to communicate directly with one another in ways that completely bypass the mainstream media, and this is making the elite very uncomfortable. As a result more laws will be enacted, more restrictions will be forced on religion, and direct attacks will be made on websites such as this one. Their aim is to establish a state run media, silencing all others. Therefore we will continue to witness the assault of first Amendment in the coming year, which will specifically target those that the ‘establishment’ does not like, including: free thinkers, political activists, libertarians, conservatives, and Christians.

#7 – Arm the TSA and  Setup Roadway Checkpoints

They have already started arming the TSA and it’s just a matter of time before roadway checkpoints are established. The elites objective is to intimidate the masses by feeding the pride of the power hungry citizens and subjecting the rest to fear. This eventually will subjugate the populace to government submission.   

#8 – Massive False Flag Attacks Carried out in the USA and Blamed on Patriots or Christians.

False flag attacks occurs when elements within a government stage a secret operation whereby government forces pretend to be a targeted enemy while attacking their own forces or people. The attack is then falsely blamed on Christians or patriots in order to justify some ‘distinguished’ goal of the elite.

The reason they will continue to pursue such attacks is to make freedom the enemy in the eyes of Americans and to manipulate the masses into legally rounding up patriots and Christians, as they did with Jews in the time of Hitler.

#9 – New World Order Implementation

There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group ofindividuals whose aspiration is to create a One World Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intent is to enact complete control over every human being on the planet and dramatically reduce the population by 5.5 Billion people.   

We already see formation of this NWO here in America where Chinese troops, Dutch troops, Russian troops, and UN troops have infiltrated our military. I’m afraid, this NWO agenda will continue to flourish until its accomplishment.  

#10 – Depopulation through natural disasters and pestilence.  

In the 20th and 21st centuries alone we have had major increases in tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, sinkholes, and various natural disasters. Some of which have been HARRP induced, and others induced by mere nature. Furthermore pestilences have been released by the global elite including: aids, the swine flu, and other biological agents. This is why I believe we will continue to see an increase in their depopulation agenda  in the coming years.