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Fukushima Unit 4 Hoax Exposed (Video)

Fukushima Unit 4 Hoax Exposed (Video)

If the video and the documents linked below the vido in this article are accurate, then the information we have had about the damage and removal of the spent fuel from UNIT #4 reactor at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, as bad as it is, isn’t anywhere near as horrible as the truth actually is.

Information obtained via the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) details a situation that is catastrophic already and worse than any government or media outlet has revealed.

The links will be shown beneath the video, I encourage everyone to click them, read them and discover the truth for themselves….. no reason to believe the government, writers, the MSM, or anyone when you have access to all the information to determine what is and is not true, for yourself.

It truly is an “Apocalypse in Progress.


Screenshots to the most severe arts of the massive coverup can be found at Hatrick Penry UNBOUND and the actual documents are linked below.

Link to the NRC FOIA documents pertaining to Fukushima:

Link to NRC FOIA document on Unit 4 and the TEPCO video:



Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America 

 ©2013 Joak [USA Zicutake Comment]