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Swarm Of Space Bodies Following Comet ISON And The

Swarm Of Space Bodies Following Comet ISON And The

Swarm Of Space Bodies Following Comet ISON And The Ongoing NASA Cover-Up (Video)

Videographer Daniel Briskin delves into the appearance of NASA doctoring data on the SDO website to hide what was happening with Comet ISON as it approached perihelion, when they froze the frames so those watching were not getting live shots.

Briskin also highlights what looks like a swarm of space objects coming up behind ISON. What are they? Are they the reason NASA froze the image and is NASA still covering up information and is that why their stories keep contradicting themselves and the new images coming out?

Note around the 2:40 mark that large mass that no one has explained yet. What IS that?

As always, watch, listen and determine for yourself if you agree with Daniel.


Part Two from Briskin below.




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