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Washington County's focus turned to green space pr

Washington County's focus turned to green space pr

Washington County's focus turned to green space preservation in 2000s


The coming of the 21st century ushered in significant efforts in Washington County to preserve green space and prevent further destruction of a dwindling natural landscape.

When European settlers arrived in what is now Washington County in the 1830s, nearly 80 percent of the land was covered by forests. At last count, just 16 percent remained wooded.

The county's land preservation efforts began with the Purchase of Development Rights Program, which was launched in 2000 with a state grant. In 2006, county voters approved $20 million in property taxes over 10 years for land and water protection. The program was rebranded as the Land and Water Legacy Program.

The county issued its first $5 million bond for Land and Legacy in 2010 and has plans to issue a second this year, Washington County Administrator Molly O'Rourke said. Though the funds must be captured within 10 years, there is no timeline for spending them.

So far, about $3.5 million in Land and Water Legacy dollars has been spent on land purchases or conservation easements.

"I have no doubt that we will expend the amount approved by voters," O'Rourke said. "As you can tell, these land transactions take a lot of time. And we're trying to maximize the value of the local tax dollars by seeking out funding partners."


More than 20,000 acres, about 7.6 percent of the county, already are considered protected lands. That includes parks, scenic areas and nature centers.

Since 2000, the county has protected another 536 acres by buying land or easements -- legal agreements that limit or prohibit development.

Seven land acquisition projects totaling 203 acres and more than $2.5 million happened from 2000 to 2006, under the PDR program. The county funded about 14 percent, or $350,000; the remainder came from other government agencies and donations.

Since the start of the Land and Water Legacy Program, the county has finalized 12 land acquisitions totaling 333 acres and more than $13 million, of which $3.5 million has come from the voter-approved tax funds.


Sometimes, landowners approach the county with a potential deal. Other times, the county will step in to protect a property in a critical area.

Before any county funds are used, each project is scrutinized for its potential to protect water sources, expand public open space or connect trails. There's also an ongoing effort to collaborate with funding partners, including the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and cities.

The county relies on the Minnesota Land Cover Classification System to identify areas of high priority, based on vegetation, existing land cover and species habitat.

A 1990 biological survey of the county's landscape showed just 5.6 percent of the land contained native vegetation.

Since the county is bound by the Mississippi River on the south and the St. Croix River on the east, particular attention has been given to protecting shoreline and natural habitat in adjacent watershed districts.

Jane Harper, who has managed the Land and Water Legacy Program for the past eight years, is retiring. County planner June Mathiowetz will take over management of the program and the five projects that are in the works.

"You need to be a project manager that can handle complex ideas and challenges and develop effective working relationships with a wide variety of partners," O'Rourke said of the position. "When you're negotiating on real estate issues, there's a lot of emotion involved by the property owner. It's not just a financial investment, it's also a personal and emotional investment in the land. So it certainly takes some skill to understand that, and to recognize and honor that, while still making sure the value for the taxpayers is there. So it's about trying to find the win-win situations."

Elizabeth Mohr can be reached at 651-228-5162. Follow her at


424 square miles, or 271,679 acres, total area

10 percent covered by surface water

2/3 in the St. Croix River watershed

1/3 in the Mississippi River watershed

36 minor watersheds

5.6 percent, or 15,214 acres, contain native vegetative cover

14,000 acres of wetland existed when European settlers arrived; less than half remain today