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“Reclaim America Now”

“Reclaim America Now”

“Reclaim America Now” DC Rally Live (Video) Watch Larry Klayman’s Rally.

Watch Larry Klayman’s Reclaim American Live (Video)

At the end of September, Founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Larry Klayman set a date to march on Washington in a peaceful revolution to end the “reign of terror” by Barack Hussein Obama. He then laid out his agenda at the end of October, and today, he along with thousands of patriots are in Washington to speak out and protest the Obama administration until their demands are met.



Early this morning, Klayman posted his rally cry to demand multiple resignations, not just Barack Obama’s.

Video streaming by Ustream

A longer video of the start of the rally.

Video streaming by Ustream

The following will be speaking at the event today:


Others who are on the team:


If you are unable to attend, or you are in attendance, but don’t want to miss all of the speakers, Klayman and Freedom Watch have provided us with the live stream. So keep this page up in your browser for full coverage of Reclaim America! May God bless America again with repentance!

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