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Damning Evidence–Baal Has Returned: Prophecy Resea

Damning Evidence–Baal Has Returned: Prophecy Resea

Damning Evidence–Baal Has Returned: Prophecy Research Ties This Nephilim-God to HAARP, Project Bluebeam, and the NWO! (Videos and Photos)



*Be sure and check out my next post to hear my interview with another ‘former’ military intelligence personnel who claims to have inside information on Sandyhook, Boston Bombing, and much more! He even has direct, inside contacts who confirm the collapse is upon us! CLICK HERE! It has information you will not want to miss! In fact, he has so much to share, we’re going to have to break it down into possibly three segments! Don’t miss it!


Recently, I’ve made a couple of posts on how vibration and sound technology could potentially be used for the mind-control of the masses when the mark of the Beast is taken, and is currently being used in people to make them do sinister things.

I also believe that HAARP (weather control, project blue beam, mind-control) will not only play a significant role in bringing about the Antichrist/NWO, but is also the satanic entity of BAAL, who coincidentally was/is the (satanic) god of weather!

The Canaanites around them believed Baal was the god that controlled the rain and sun, that is why Elijah’s challenge had to do with rain. By declaring that there would be no rain until he said so, he was proving to them that it was the Most High God that was the God of the rain and not Baal. —XPMedia.Com



BAAL, the Ancient God of Weather–HAARP, Project Blue Beam, Mind Control–Is Here!



Before I get to the subject of HAARP, the weather control device, let’s go back to the time when Satan was Lucifer, the beautiful angel. We’re going to take a look at harps, the musical instruments, and the spiritual significance they represent, both good and bad. Though HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, nothing happens by accident, especially where the kingdom of Hell and Satan are concerned. But, this is only one very ‘small’ part of my post here.

Lucifer is a fallen angel who was the head of the ministry of music in Heaven. It has been said of him he was the most beautiful of ALL angels and he was the director of the flow of music there (Praise and Worship).

Of course, now he no longer is….. but there are several scriptural references throughout the bible the denote his previous authority over music when he was in heaven. One is Isa.14:11 – “Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.”

This verse right here is speaking of his fall from heaven, and how all of the glory he had, and the gifts he had fell with him. The noise of thy viols indicates the stringed instruments he had charge over. But yes, actually throughout the bible in passages in the books of Ezekiel, Job, Isaiah, even Psalms upon speaking of his past life…it tells us he was the minister of music there. —TurnBackToGod.Com

And, the article concludes:

So it is obvious that Lucifer, at the very least, contained something akin to musical instruments – the tambourine, the flute, and the harp all within the confines of his own body. Since Lucifer is a created being, he was originally created with instruments to provide beautiful music for none other than the glorification of God. Lucifer, being the most authoritative and superior angel that he was, at best, was also probably the angel of music.

The point of this study is to see, purely from a theological view, if in fact Satan has a connection with and a direct influence on music, which has become undoubtedly clear that he does. We must remember that some, not all music, can come from evil sources no matter how lovely, beautiful or pleasing it may sound to the ears. For we know that the devil can masquerade as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14). Music, I believe, has a twofold purpose. To glorify God or not, it’s as simple as that. As we have seen, music was initially created for that purpose up until Satan’s rebellion. What he has done with music from that point on becomes a whole other issue.

Satan is the master manipulator; the father of lies and the master of illusion. He always perverts everything God has done and uses it for evil. The harp was always associated with worshiping God, but the harp was introduced into BAAL worship in ancient times. 


Furthermore, the harp has more spiritual ‘occult’ significance than any other instrument:

The harp, as all other instruments and perhaps even more than most of them, has its occult significance. It is one of the oldest instruments and can be found in various shapes in all temple decorations of all ages. The Irish mythology is especially rich in legends and symbols attached to the harp. The harp, with its 7 strings, represented matter in its sevenfold stages, the atom, with its 7 spirals. And when the universe was to be formed, the Creator plucked one by one the strings of the cosmic harp which was encompassing all the vastness of primeval space, and the vibrations that thus radiated, precipitated the worlds. Then the Creator uttered the Great Name and all Its letters became gods that took possession of the 7 spheres of matter. That is perhaps why we begin nearly always with a chord on the harp before beginning a song. Such allegories can be found in all religions under various garbs, and the harp, the wind-pipes and some kinds of string instruments are always found concurring to make all primitive orchestras.

Now according to the ancient arithmosophy 3 stands for the Deity, 4 for Man — in its present personal stage — and 5 for Destiny. 5 is the half of 10. When you think that 10 may be written thus you will see that 5 truly represents the diameter of the primeval harp and the sounding board of the modern one. 5 represents matter in its cosmic state, therefore the relationship of the Manifest to the Unmanifest, consequently the law of Cause and Effect, Karma or Destiny.

The occult idea expressed in the formula is that the power of man when co-operating with the power of the inner Deity can counteract Fate, that is, put an end to the chain of Cause and Effect. —

And, if that wasn’t enough, through its shape (triangle), its vibrations, and more, it brings out the ‘god’ in us, according to the same article:

The harp therefore changes in its morphology so as to symbolize the new life, the NEW SPIRITUAL RHYTHM of mankind. Mankind is no more a soul descending into matter, but evolving out of the forms and relations which it has previously generated in order to gain experience thereby. The harpist, the musician-soul, has no more to manipulate matter, that is cosmic matter, but to arouse into life his individual natures. Man, as a complex being, has to be awakened, so as to respond to all the vibrations which are determined for him in his inner nature, his inner godhood; such a determination corresponds to the tuning of the strings, the tuning-board (elbow) figuring the archetypal series of the true proportions embodied by the vibrating strings, viz., man-perfect, man-god.

Perhaps the spirit of the early Egyptian civilization will soon reincarnate on a still higher plane, and perhaps America will be its birthplace. Let the new music be the herald of the coming Day. —



* As a side note, do you notice any similarity in BAAL and President Obama?


Now that we have seen the spiritual significance of the instrument, the harp, let’s jump ahead to BAAL and take a look at some of his characteristics. They are as follows:

Baal will either possess or completely control the false prophet and will strongly assist in the rise of the antichrist

Baal operates as a counterfeit “Christ” and opposes the true Christ (ruler of religious spirits)

Baal’s most powerful thrones exist in the economics of the world (Illuminati), over those that worship Satan (directly or indirectly)

Baal has been seen as the great provider, sending rain, blessing crops, blessing flocks and herds, and creating fertility in women in the Bible that is why God sent famine when dealing with him. (The God of weather aka Jupiter)

Baal is a very ancient and powerful fallen being that is the beast that will arise out of the earth as seen in Revelation 13

He will then take over the life of the false prophet and give him unprecedented satanic power to perform signs and wonders to turn people toward the antichrist (Opinions on this vary. Some believe he will be the Antichrist, while others believe BAAL is the New World Order)

Baal is a very key figure in end-time satanic warfare (Weather warfare? Project Blue Beam? Mind-Control?)

For more information, CLICK HERE
Project Blue Beam In Action–Hologram of Model Dancing



See here, from a previous article of mine:

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is responsible for creating and manipulating weather, project blue beam, mind control, and much more.

If that wasn’t enough, now they are conducting ‘experiments’ which could have even more of a damning impact on all of humanity! It seems to me that this could play right in with the tribulation judgments we read about in the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible!

A researcher named Mike Hagan, states:

Researcher Mike Hagan has found startling evidence HAARP may be more insidious than most investigators think. Hagan discovered incredible evidence that, while the masters of HAARP may be doing everything investigators suspect, they’ve also embarked on a mind-boggling project designed to power-up and control the unknown ancient powers locked inside some of the world’s greatest pyramids…a tremendous power that could enable the controllers of advanced Tesla technology to reach out, grab the world by its collective throat, and shake it into submission.


The ancient pyramid network—stretching across continents and some built on land now far under the sea—could be all that remains of an incredibly old global broadcast power grid engineered to accumulate energy and release it on demand as Nicola Tesla once did.

Could the release of hyper-dimensional torsion fields by those super-civilizations have also released unimaginable and eventually uncontrollable forces that contributed to the fall of of those civilizations? Perhaps.

If true, then embarking on a project to reawaken them without full knowledge of exactly how they work and what their limits of power might be is a fools’ errand. The would-be HAARP masters of ancient technology might instead find themselves the victims of it. Instead of accessing the secrets of the ancients and acquiring limitless power, they could be releasing relentless demons. And then the gates of hell could be flung wide open and chaos rule the Earth. —HAARP Deadly Torsion Pyramid Experiments Could Have Damning Impact and Unleash Hell On Earth! (Jaw Dropping Videos)
HAARP Triggering Ancient Pyramid Energy Could Be Fatal!



And, from a recent post of mine on vibration technology, take a look at this!

Researchers have conceptualized a strategy to harness low frequency vibrations as an infinite power source for miniature electronic devices. Asian Scientist News



In a recent post titled, Bone-Chilling Apocalyptic Mystery Sounds Decoded! NWO Testing Masses With Mind Control-Vibration Tech For Global Slavery?! I stated:

Will vibration-sound technology be used to control the masses for the New World Order when the Antichrist is revealed? If you weren’t aware, sound/vibration already plays a huge role in the RFID chip, and will play an even larger role in the usage of the RFID chip for control and manipulation! See a few of the excerpts I have provided below on how the RFID chip uses frequency and vibration.

Is HAARP actually Baal? I am aware, as are most of us, that HAARP is very evil, and not only is it evil, but is uses forces of hell (demonic spirits) in its operations. I’ve shown you the spiritual symbolic value of the actual harp in relation to Satan and BAAL worship, including how the ‘vibrations’ and ‘sounds’ are used spiritually to bring about the ‘god’ in us. I understand that the musical instrument called a ‘harp’ is altogether different than ‘HAARP’, the weather control program. However, please understand that Luciferians, such as the Illuminati/NWO elitists, use symbology just like this. When you understand that the kingdom of Hell has been planning this for many, many generations, you will also understand that these things were no accident.

Since BAAL plays an enormous role in end time events, including ‘giving power’ to the Beast to perform end time miracles, signs and wonders, and end time satanic warfare, (isn’t it already doing this through weather control, project blue beam, mind control, weather wars, etc?), couldn’t the demonic spirit of BAAL (possibly the ruling demonic king (demonic entity) of the Prince of Persia, Prince of Greece, etc. who wrestled with an angel in the book of Daniel chapter 10–see second video below), the weather god of the Canaanites, be the same ‘evil’ false-god of weather ‘wars’ today? Personally, from my research involved in writing this article, and past articles, I would have to say I believe we’re onto something.

Daniel 10:10-21

Suddenly, a hand touched me, which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands. 11 And he said to me, “O Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.” While he was speaking this word to me, I stood trembling.

12 Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. (emphasis mine—L. Leahz) 14 Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.”

15 When he had spoken such words to me, I turned my face toward the ground and became speechless. 16 And suddenly, one having the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke, saying to him who stood before me, “My lord, because of the vision my sorrows have overwhelmed me, and I have retained no strength. 17 For how can this servant of my lord talk with you, my lord? As for me, no strength remains in me now, nor is any breath left in me.”

18 Then again, the one having the likeness of a man touched me and strengthened me. 19 And he said, “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!”

So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

20 Then he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia; and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come. 21 But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of Truth. (No one upholds me against these, except Michael your prince.)
Spiritual Warfare Is Not of This World, But Happens IN the World

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. —Ephesians 6:10-13
The Demonic Strategies That We Are Up Against- Part One



The Demonic Strategies That We Are Up Against- Part Two



*Be sure and check for my next post, tomorrow, to hear my interview with another ‘former’ military intelligence personnel who claims to have inside information on Sandyhook, Boston Bombing, and much more! He even has direct, inside contacts who confirm the collapse is upon us!