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Colossal Glow On Saturn Wows, Video

Colossal Glow On Saturn Wows, Video

Colossal Glow On Saturn Wows, Video

Scientists first observed Saturn’s auroras in 1979. Decades later, these shimmering ribbons of light still fascinate.

Watch the video to see an edge-on view of Saturn’s northern and southern lights courtesy of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.
Video courtesy of NASA/ESA/University of Leicester/J. Nichols
 For one thing they’re magnificently tall, rising hundreds of miles above the planet’s poles. And unlike on Earth where bright displays fizzle after only a few hours, auroras on Saturn can shine for days.


Radiant bands form rings above Saturn’s southern polar region in this false-color image.
False-color image courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Colorado
Auroras are produced when speeding particles accelerated by the sun’s energy collide with gases in a planet’s atmosphere. The gases fluoresce, emitting flashes of light at different wavelengths. 
Saturn’s auroras put on a dazzling display of light.

Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/A. Schaller

Auroras are colored green in these infrared views of Saturn. 
Infrared image courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/University of Leicester 


Hubble took these images of Saturn’s auroras over a period of five days. 

Hubble image courtesy of NASA/ESA/J. Clarke, Boston University/Z. Levay, STScI

Contacts and sources: 

Paul Gabrielsen  




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