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Sheriff Defies Obama Mandela Order: “He’s Not An A

Sheriff Defies Obama Mandela Order: “He’s Not An A

Sheriff Defies Obama Mandela Order: “He’s Not An American”

Sheriff Rick Clark of Pickens South Carolina is defying orders from Barack Obama to lower the American flag to half-staff as a way of honoring the former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela. Clark had a good reason, one that we wonder why other sheriffs and state and county reps across the country didn’t heed as well: Mandela was not an Amrican. Will Clark feel the wrath of those who feel that Obama’s word is ‘golden’? Supporters pounded Clark’s facebook page in shows of support for his non-actions and for refusing to cave in to the request of Obama. Video report also below. 

For one South Carolina sheriff, defying President Obama’s order to lower the American flag to half-staff in honor of former South African President Nelson Mandela is simple: Mandela “was not an American.”

Pickens County Sheriff Rick Clark took to Facebook Friday to explain to seemingly supportive residents why he will not lower the flag at the Sheriff’s Office for Mandela, despite Obama’s Dec. 5 Presidential Proclamation:

I usually don’t post political items, but today is different. I received this notification today, “As a mark of respect for the memory of Nelson Mandela, the President orders that the flag of the United States be flown at half-staff effective immediately until sunset, December 9, 2013″

Nelson Mandela did great things for his country and was a brave man but he was not an AMERICAN!!! The flag should be lowered at our Embassy in S. Africa, but not here. Our flag is at half staff today for a Deputy in the low country who died going to help his fellow Deputy. He deserves the honor. I have ordered that the flag here at my office back up after tomorrow’s mourning of Pearl Harbor Day!