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Jesse Jackson Attacks Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertso

Jesse Jackson Attacks Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertso

Jesse Jackson Attacks Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Read This For Some Christmas Cheer (Laughs)!


For anyone that needs a chuckle to go with their Christmas Cheer I have a good laugh for them right here!

Jesse Jackson (The senior one who is not in prison …at least not yet) has weighed in on the Duck Dynasty/Phil Robertson controvery (better late than never for a great headline). Jackson used his usual race oriented and class distinction oratory by comparing Robertson’s recent comments on sexual morality to statements made by the the driver of the bus Rosa Park’s rode on in Alabama in the 1960s :,0,1323390.story

“Jesse Jackson Sr. has jumped into the controversy surrounding comments by Phil Robertson, star of A&E’s backwoods reality TV show, “Duck Dynasty.”

In an announcement sent out Tuesday, Jackson Sr. compared Robertson’s recent comments about African-Americans, gay people and women to comments made by the driver of Rosa Parks’ bus.”

Now you could say this kind of Jackson rhetoric is old and tired (which it is) and not worth reporting.

However, I feel that this is worth reporting for the contrast in the men and and their messages ( not to mention the humor).

The Phil Robertson controversy is about two things: Freedom of Speech and Moral Values.

Thefore one must ask “Does Phil Robertson have a right to state his values” and ” Do I believe Robertson’s views are moral”? The answer to part one is obviously “yes”, at least according the the Constitution of the USA and most people (Jackson not included). However, It is Jackson’s claim to the moral high ground that is so utterly amusing! Let’s examine and contrast the heads and families for clans Jackson and Robinson.

Jesse Jackson: A self made man who has a history of shouting, threatening and protesting against legitimate business. He has been known to go away after money is paid to his Community Organization “Operation Push”. You could say that he is a corporate shakedown artist of sorts.

Phil Robertson: Built his own business from scratch to become well to do.

Morals: Both men hold themselves out as Christians and religious men. Yet Phil Robertson upholds traditional and well stated Biblical values at great personal risk while Jackson takes the easy way out endorsing Homosexuality as the media laps it up.

Family Sons: Jesse Jackson, Jr. got some political juice from Dad to become a Congressman. He is now serving time in Federal Prison for fraud and conspiracy charges.

Willie Robertson is serving up laughs on Duck Dynasty, runnning a successful Duck call company and having Dinner with the family.

Now here is where Jesse’s personal morality is really funny:

In 2001, it was revealed Jackson had had an affair with a staffer, Karin Stanford, that resulted in the birth of a daughter, Ashley, in May 1999. According to CNN, in August 1999 The Rainbow Push Coalition had paid Stanford $15,000 in moving expenses and $21,000 in payment for contracting work. A promised advance of an additional $40,000 against future contracting work was rescinded once the affair became public.[78] This incident prompted Jackson to withdraw from activism for a short time.[79] Jackson was paying $4,000 a month in child support as of 2001.[80]

So Jackson takes the money that he shakes down companies for to give to Operation Push and then dips into the till to pay it out to his girlfriend who has his bastard love child.

Now lets fast forward to something more recent, like being a deadbeat Dad:

“Karin Stanford the Mother of Jesse Jackson‘s 12-year-old love child, is going public with her allegations that the good reverend has fallen behind on his child support payments to the tune of $11,694.50, according to thNational Enquirer.” and

“The mother of JESSE JACKSON’s love child is blasting him as a deadbeat dad for falling behind on child sup­port payments!

In official documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by The ENQUIRER, Karin Stanford claims the 70-year-old famed civil rights leader owes $11,694.50 for their daughter Ashley, now 12.”

See more at:

Looks like Phil comes out ahead again…there is no information claiming that he stiffed Miss Kay or any girlfriends with kids!

So let’s all raise our Yuletide glasses to Jesse Jackson, Sr. The Liberal Media’s greatest moralist who lectures Phil Robertson on morality!

(Oh by the way Libs…you might want to muzzle Jesse…oops he’s making Phil look very, very good)


But wait–we are not done yet!,0,1323390.story

“Jesse Jackson Sr. and the leaders of the other groups are demanding a sit-down meeting with Cracker Barrel and A&E in the next couple of days.” (They want them to “reconsider” their working with Phil Robertson)

So do you think some Duck Dynasty supporters might play a little 12 days of Christmas and contact

The Arts and Entertainment Network and Cracker Barrel before they site down with Uncle Jesse and let em know what they think?

Let’s all spread the Christmas cheer this year!