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72 Hours: Obamacare Dies.

72 Hours: Obamacare Dies.

72 Hours: Obamacare Dies.

On Nov. 30, Obama’s deadline for the Obamacare website to be working will pass. Obama will be under fire. Get ready, it’s in just three days.

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (the Revelation of Obama’s secrets) have risen up to sweep the world.


The birthers have been clamouring for Obama’s defeatsince five years already.


Now new fighters have emerged with the group that gives Sheriff’s Kits to Congressmen/Senators INSIDE Congress and the Senate.


A childhood friend of Obama’s has also emerged to testify to Obama’s depravity in his youth. He was a gay prostitute so as to score cocaine in Hawaii in his youth, at 15, in the 70s.

You can come forth and testify that Obama is the Antichrist now. All Obama’s traits prove he’s the Antichrist.


Obamacare is killing Obama’s legacy and his presidency.

The final nail in Obama’s coffin is “The People”.

The great mass of people (1-in-8?) who think Obama’s the Antichrist is overwhelming.

In three days all hell will break loose.

 ©2013 Joak [USA Zicutake Comment]