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Pastor Joel Osteen- Denies Jesus, Claims Homosexua

Pastor Joel Osteen- Denies Jesus, Claims Homosexua

Pastor Joel Osteen- Denies Jesus, Claims Homosexuals Make it into Heaven, and Teaches Half Biblical Truths. Possible Illuminati Ties? Outrage!

Joel Osteen pastors the largest church in the United states, averaging more than 43,500 persons in attendance per week. Located in the city of Houston, Texas Lakewood Church claims to be a non-denominational Christian mega-church. But don’t let the name fool you; Pastor Osteen is a fraud and the title ‘Christian’ should be removed from his church name.

This smooth talking pastor is misleading millions of people. Thousands flock to his church under the pretence that they are being taught the “Christian” message. When in truth, his messages reflect little of Christ.

In order to call yourself a Christian Church one must believe Jesus in the only way to God. This however is not what Mr. Osteen taught. Back in 2008 he was caught declaring these staggering words on the Larry King Live TV Show…

Did you catch that? When King asked Joel if Jesus was the only way, he responded with, “That’s up to God.” Any Christian pastor would be held accountable by the Bible’s owns words to respond with, “Yes Jesus is the only way.” Any other statement is not of the Christian faith and Mr. Osteen was given the opportunity to declare the gospel to the world and failed wretchedly. He was afforded a national platform to preach the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and decided it was better to compromise rather than speak truth.  

Quite frankly, I’m not surprise. Osteen is known for teaching a one-sided Bible message. He leaves out anything to do with hell, demons, Satan, or judgment; and speaks only about the prosperity in the Gospel. This is not Christianity, it’s his own version of a one-sided God and therefore heresy all on its own. Joel has taught his followers for years that God can be anything they want him to be. This is just not the God of the Bible.  

Not only is Osteen known for his outrageous statements on Larry King, but also on Oprah. It is here that he admits that Homosexuality is wrong, however he waters down the message by adding “Homosexuals make it into heaven”, which is not what the Bible teaches. 

Joel Osteen has the largest church in America because he tells people what they want to hear rather than telling them what the Bible truly says. You cannot preach a one-side Gospel and water down the other half. That is out-right heresy and he should not be allowed to call his church “Christian.” Call it New Age, form a new religion, but don’t call it Christian when you only accept half of what the Bible says. That’s no different than Islam, Judaism, or Mormonism, who all accept some of what the Bible says. This is exactly what Osteen has done.

The video below displays Osteen holding up triple sixes during his teaching. I’m not fully convinced that this is what he is attempting to do. However I do believe he is misleading millions into a false type of “Christianity.” Therefore, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions on the matter…