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You Can Grow All Kinds Of Vegetables In Containers

You Can Grow All Kinds Of Vegetables In Containers


You can grow all kinds of vegetables including potatoes in containers. Above you can see a great way to grow potatoes in your own homemade potato box. Anyone with a little knowledge which they can get from looking at the above photo can quickly and easily build a potato grow box. Put it together and follow the directions and you can grow a great crop of potatoes.

There are also a lot of other vegetables that you can easily grow in a container. Radishes are a really great vegetable that have a lot of flavor and you can easily grow radishes in small containers. For radishes use a potting soil that is mixed in a ratio of 70 percent top soil and 30 percent compost or very well rotted manure. You can use a commercial manure product like Black Cow for the manure. If you will do this you will have a very nice crop of radishes. And don’t forget that you can cook and eat the radish tops just like greens or use them in stir fries. I just love them in stir fries and they are excellent mixed with Swiss Chard and cooked like greens. They are real tasty cooked that way.

You can grow almost any vegetable in a container or containers. Some of the largest pumpkins I ever grew I grew in large 36 gallon wooden crates that I had bored full of holes in the bottom and filled the first few inches with gravel and then top soil and manure. I grew several several hundred pound pumpkins in those containers.

If you plant tomatoes in containers plant a marigold or two around your tomatoes and you won’t have any tomato pests.