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Dilma says he

Dilma says he

Dilma says he's attentive to the security problems in Maranhão

Brasília-President Dilma Rousseff said today (10) that has followed with attention the problems in the security area in Maranhão – State which faces crisis in the prison system. The President informed, via Twitter, that the creation of Integrated Management Committee for dealing with the matter, announced yesterday (9) by Governor Roseana Sarney and the Minister of Justice, Jose Eduardo Cardozo, is similar to measures adopted in the case of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Alagoas and Paraná.

"I have followed with attention the issue of safety in Maranhão. In December, determined to send National strength [Public safety] to support security actions of the Government. The Ministry of Justice offered vacancies in federal prisons for the transfer of prisoners ", wrote the President. She added that the Ministry supports a joint effort of public defenders for analysis of the situation of the prisoners and that will also increase the effective National force in the State.

Cardozo and Hyder met yesterday (9) at night, in St. Louis, and agreed to set up a Steering Committee of the crisis in the prison system, which should rely on integrated measures of legislative, Executive and judicial powers. With the aim of reducing prison overcrowding, the Public Defender's Office will make a joint effort to analyze the situation of the detainees and put in freedom those who have served, in addition to get criminal alternatives such as electronic monitoring, for the considered of lesser danger.

Until next week, will also be organized the transfer of inmates to federal prisons, especially the leaders of the gangs who ordered acts of violence in São Luís, which resulted in the burning of buses, with a 6-year-old girl dead because of Burns, in addition to shots against police stations. The mother and sister of the child, which were also on one of the buses attacked, are still hospitalized.

The prison situation in the State has taken, including international bodies to express about the case. Last year alone, more than 60 prisoners were killed in the State of Maranhão, and the Council of Defense of human rights also discusses the subject.

The President Dilma Rousseff has fulfilled the agenda in the Alvorada Palace, the official residence, where he is recovering from a flu. She hasn't traveled since returning from year-end recess, earlier this week, and there are no planned trips. At the end of the month, however, rousseff has commitments in Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum, in Cuba, at the Summit of the community of Latin American and Caribbean States and in Venezuela, at the meeting of Mercosur.




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