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World War 3 on the Horizon? Respected Prophecy Min

World War 3 on the Horizon? Respected Prophecy Min

World War 3 on the Horizon? Respected Prophecy Minister Has Insight While in Israel! (Video)

Respected prophecy minister, Perry Stone, was in Israel preparing for a telecast when Iran came to a historic agreement Sunday with six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program.  While he was there, he saw prophetic importance in the agreement of negative origin on the USA.

According to Charisma Magazine, he said:

“My concern is that when America pressures Israel in a negative manner, within 24 hours our weather pattern becomes dangerous, which biblically can be a sign of God’s disfavor,” Stone says. “This has been traced back for years. That’s the thing that we have to be concerned about—our own future as a nation, or our favor with God as a nation, by not supporting people of the covenant.”

However, the evangelist says this situation “could be extremely serious for Israel within the next six months to a year, especially by the fact that everyone [in the Middle East] in intelligence knows that Iran wants nuclear weapons, and once they get them, the whole game changes in the Middle East.”

When asked how the weekend’s agreement fits into end-times prophecy from a biblical point of view, Stone said, “In Ezekiel, the war of Gog and Magog, Persia is involved in that war. I’ve read it very carefully, and it looks as though there’s a pre-war that happens. God turns the Persians back and later puts a hook in their jaw and brings them down on the mountains of Israel. “In my personal opinion, there are going to be two conflicts—one between the Persians and the Israelis at some point, militarily, whether there’s an air strike of some kind or something similar; and somewhere down the road, there will be retaliation among the Persians with the coalition of Islamic nations mentioned in Ezekiel that will try to come against Israel. But according to the prophet, Israel will win that battle. That’s how I’m looking at this.”    CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


He also says that they are very upset with President Obama and that they are coming out and saying, “if you let this go and let the Iranians be unrestrained in their nuclear program, the United States in the future will pay with a nuclear attack on American soil by Islamic radicals.” They are not being shy at all about rising up publicaly and threatening: ‘Don’t blame us when this happens.’

Charisma Magazine goes further to state:

Perry Stone says he is not predicting an attack on U.S. soil, only that it could happen with a future Iranian regime using nuclear weapons.

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