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“Powerful Force” Controls Financial Markets

“Powerful Force” Controls Financial Markets

“Powerful Force” Controls Financial Markets

If the Illuminati control politics and culture, 
why wouldn’t they control the markets as well?
Thom Beecham, our resident market guru says economic realities
 don´t count. Markets are “Pavlovian dogs” reacting to central bank policy. 
Beecham called the decline in gold and says the globalists want gold
to go lower, and stocks to continue their trek higher. 
“The only reason the globalists can get away with all this is because the population has become degenerate and morally bankrupt themselves. Only a self-absorbed populace can fall for the tenets of socialism – the concept that they can get something for nothing. “
by Thom Beecham
Beecham is a self-employed economist and trader with 17-years investing experience.
Henry, the economy is a sham. I do not disagree with the patriot assessments. The patriots are more correct than the mainstream media. I am just saying that a VERY POWERFUL force is in control. I just trade on the trends. I have been making money trading accordingly. I made a lot of money Wednesday. You already know what I have been doing. [Short gold, long market] Gold just broke 1,200 again, and the DOW stands on the precipice of a phase transition. Anyone standing in front of this train will get laid waste.
Believe me, I have a difficult time accepting all this. As an economist by education and trader by profession, I am used to traditional measures and algorithms to gauge markets. But like I said in myFebruary and April articles, traders have become Pavlovian dogs – we have been neutered and are just trying to anticipate and interpret official moves.
The only reason the globalists can get away with all this is because the population has become degenerate and morally bankrupt themselves. Only a self-absorbed populace can fall for the tenets of socialism – the concept that they can get something for nothing. 
In order for ideas like free healthcare to flourish, society must become degraded morally and intellectually. Obviously, this has been achieved – you write about this. Only this type of person can believe the lies of the economy and what the media says about it. In other words, a morally bankrupt society deserves a morally bankrupt financial system – they get what they deserve. Anyone with morals and integrity looks at this economic train with disgust, but a morally bankrupt person sees nothing wrong.
I knew there was a better-than-even shot the USFed was going to taper Wednesday, BUT I kept my gold and silver shorts, and kept my deep-in-the-money DOW and SPY calls – though I lightened up by about 20%. I should have just not done a thing. Normally, any taper would have been stock and gold bearish, but the trends reaffirmed themselves. Stocks took off and gold tanked. I refilled my gold shorts in the 1,230′s, and bought back my calls at S&P 1780.
Anyone fighting this rigged trend will be broke. Now, that these levels in the debt, equity, and commodity markets have been reached, pensions and large institutions managing 10′s of trillions in total are and have been looking for yield. The DOW blue chips now yield more than many sovereign debt issues. This money is hungry for yield and is turning to equities in a desperate attempt to overcome actuarial trends, with many established stocks yielding over 3-4% in dividends.
The distortions in all the markets are unprecedented, but they have been so for five years. I keep saying that this VERY POWERFUL FORCE can keep things going much longer than most patriots can keep solvent, and any “informant source” is most likely coming from intelligence sources, to keep people away from making money. 
The patriots are the ones who are easily duped by this crap, for they pose as the potential enemy to government when the “collapse” does come. The best way for government to marginalize them is to contrive a collapse (like in 2008) and tell them that another one is just around the corner. 
One more thing, Henry… I am getting sick of chicken littles with “informed sources.” They reject well thought out analysis by saying the markets are wrong and that things are getting ready to collapse, because some disinfo source says so. They do the real remnant a disservice, and these broken clocks will be judged accordingly. They are leading the simple sheep astray with fear and lies.
