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Asteroid Hits Atlantic, Devastates NYC In 2014? (P

Asteroid Hits Atlantic, Devastates NYC In 2014? (P

Asteroid Hits Atlantic, Devastates NYC In 2014? (Prophetic Video)

The video below is more prophetic and biblical codes, with a chilling prediction of an asteroid strike in 2014  that will devastate the world as we know it, using  codes found in Revelation 9, Daniel 12 and Matthew 24. While many prophecy pieces end up being wrong, with some being close, this videographer accurately predicted the 2011 Great Earthquake that devastated Japan in a video she uploaded just two days before the 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit causing a tsunami which crippled the Fukushima nuclear plant, to which we are still suffering globally as a result.

That first video, dated by YouTube as March 9, 2011, as well as having that date in the title, can be found HERE and is headlined “Big Earthquake to Come March 11-15! (March 9, 2011)”

That 9.0 hit Japan exactly on March 11, 2011, as shown by the USGS.

For those that do not want to hear a prophetic prediction from a woman they probably never heard of, feel free to click the little X in the top right hand corner.

On the other hand, for those that think a woman that two days before a massive 9.0 magnitude struck Japan, predicted it would, naming a five day window, and predicting it would be an Earth shattering and changing event, is worth at least hearing out….. watch the video below.



Revelation 9

Matthew 24:29

Daniel 12