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Scientist Saw 16 Alien Spacemen Up Close (Video)Sc

Scientist Saw 16 Alien Spacemen Up Close (Video)Sc

Scientist Saw 16 Alien Spacemen Up Close (Video)

Via Sky Ships Over Cashier, comes an old story looked at from the 21st century perspective, when the masses are now aware of the extent the government will go to cover up anything they do not want the populace to know.

In the entry from 12/10/13, Mary Joyce, website editor takes a look at Frank Scully, journalist, author and regular columnist for Variety magazine decades ago, who wrote a bestseller in the 1950′s called “Behind the Flying Saucers.”

He was immediately labeled a hoaxer in a campaign to discredit the knowledge he was sharing that the government wanted to keep secret, of an incident in 1949 in Aztec New Mexico, where a flying saucer landed, with bodies inside and a scientist Scully named “Dr. Gee,” who was called in with seven other scientists. Dr. Gee is described as “the top magnetic research specialist of the United States” who had “more degrees than a thermometer” and was working on new ways to “knock submarines out of the seven seas and the directed-missiles out of the skies.”

Spacecraft description: “Circular, seamless exterior, 100 feet in diameter, aluminum in color but exceptionally durable.”

Via Sky Ships Over Cashier:

LITTLE MEN IN THE FLYING SAUCER – Descriptions of flying saucer occupants are much rarer, so we will focus on Dr. Gee’s observations as recorded in Scully’s book. After cautiously examining the craft, Dr. Gee peered into its interior through a hole in a porthole. “There we were able to count sixteen bodies that ranged in height from about 36 to 42 inches,” Dr. Gee said. “We took the little bodies out, and laid them on the ground. . . We examined the bodies very closely and very carefully. They were normal from every standpoint and had no appearance of being what we call on this planet ‘midgets.’ They were small in stature but well proportioned. “The only trouble was that their skin seemed to be charred a very dark chocolate color. About the only thing that we could decide at the time was that the charring had occurred somewhere in space and that their bodies had been burned as a result of air rushing through that broken porthole window, or something going wrong with the means by which the ship was propelled and the cabin pressured.”

Read the rest over at Sky Ships Over Cashier

Some will believe Dr. Gee was telling the truth, others will not, but inevitably some will not debate or leave reasoned responses but as done with anything that doesn’t fit the “governemt line,” there will be those that do nothing more than attempt to discredit the author of Sky Ships Over Cashier, with no logic or reasoned debate, just “they are crazy,” or “fearporn,” and it brings us back to how Frank Scully was systematically labeled a hoaxer, which makes one wonder if government disinfo agents aren’t still running around trying to protect secrets by distracting from the issues at hand.

Consider the fact that since the 1940′s multiple people, high-level officialsCIA agentsscientists, every day Americans, have claimed to witness UFO’s, see aliens beings, abduction stories are told, deathbed confessions published, many of them fitting the very same descriptions of these types of flying saucers, these types of alien beings.

Are they all “hoaxers?” All liars? 

December 4, 2013, here at Before It’s News, reporter Alton Parish publushed a piece titled “Grey Aliens, Tiny Aliens And UFO Crashes In Russia,” and the very last video describes tiny aliens, much like described by Dr. Gee, via Scully.

In the day and age of the internet and cell phone camera and YouTube, LiveLeak and other video sharing platforms, visual evidence of UFO’s, some of which looking exactly as described above, are uploaded and shared consistently, yet again, waved away as all being hoaxes or CGI…. while some may be, some also appear very real.

Just something to think about.

A few of those examples shown below, via videos.



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