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Alabamans Angry and Upset Over Obamacare and Presi

Alabamans Angry and Upset Over Obamacare and Presi

Alabamans Angry and Upset Over Obamacare and President’s Broken Promises

Victim of policy cancellation: 'He lied to the country. He lied to me'

Local residents in Alabama’s Tennessee Valley are unhappy with President Obama and his signature Obamacare law, WAAY reports.

Rainesville medical assistant Casey Heaps had her policy cancelled and expects to pay more with the new Affordable Care Act compliant plan. “I don’t know what this world’s coming to, it’s scary. And I feel bad I have a two and a half year-old son [...]. I mean it makes me want to cry,” she said.

Jay and Courtney Long of Guntersville both said they are angry that incompetence from the Obama administration has cost them their health insurance and replaced it with a substantially more expensive policy. “I’m angry. I mean we’re accountable for $796 a month on a policy we can’t use,” Courtney Long said.

In reaction to President Obama’s promise ”if you like your plan you can keep it,” Heaps was apoplectic. “Oh no, I didn’t get to keep my insurance plan I had. I had the one I liked, the one that worked for me and the one I could afford, but no I didn’t get to keep it and it went up. So that’s just a lie. He lied to the country. He lied to me.”


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