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Man arrested and confesses to killing stepson fan

Man arrested and confesses to killing stepson fan

Man arrested and confesses to killing stepson fan of Rihanna 

Was arrested on the morning of Wednesday (5) in Aracaju, the stepfather who confessed to killing with a knife, early Saturday (1 °), the teenage fan of singer Rihanna Tiago Sobral Valencia, 15, in the municipality of our Lady of Perpetual Help (SE) in the Metropolitan Region. Besides the young, his mother was killed, the housewife Vanessa Sobral, 32, and his brother, Osvaldo Pereira Junior, 9 years. 

The appliance repairman Marcos André Andrade dos Santos, 32, was located on a bus line Fernando Collor / Watchtower semitruck that in the vicinity of the Yacht Club of Aracaju, around 8 o'clock Wednesday morning.

