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Edgar Cayce Identifies the Liberator of Mankind

Edgar Cayce Identifies the Liberator of Mankind

Edgar Cayce Identifies the Liberator of Mankind


The following is an analysis of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, one of the more famous Western prophets, from a friend and prophecy scholar



Known as the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce was quiet, humble, simple and deeply religious, but certainly not a prophet; yet the words coming out of his mouth were prophetic. How can a man share prophetic words and wonderful new knowledge and not be a prophet? I will answer this and share the most profound knowledge revealed by Cayce: “Who will be the Liberator of Mankind?” In the process, I will also explain how the ancient Oracles of Delphi could also speak about the future and other amazing knowledge.

Pertinent Background of Edgar Cayce: Edgar Cayce was born on 18 March 1877, on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, The defining moment in his life came while he was a boy of eight. In a forest clearing, while reading the Bible, he had a vision of a winged angel dressed in white and shrouded in bright light. The angel asked the boy what he wanted in life. Young Edgar simply said, “I want to help others.” Such was to be the fate of Edgar. Over decades, Cayce repeatedly put himself into a nearly unconscious state to help one person after another with a “reading.” During each “reading,” his mannerism, his language style and even his knowledge changed. It was as though Edgar Cayce himself had changed. The vast knowledge that came from Edgar cured and helped thousands of people. As Edgar’s success spread, so did his notoriety. Through it all Edgar wanted nothing for himself; he remained simple, kind and selfless. Perhaps Jesus was thinking of people like Edgar when He told the disciples that the meek (selfless) shall inherit the Earth.

Background, Significance and Secret of the Oracles of Delphi: Surrounding a chasm on the slope of Mount Pamassus, near Delphi, Greece lays the ruins of a Temple for Apollo. It sits over an active geological fault which has a long history of emitting noxious gasses. From 1400 BC to 395 AD this place gained world renown for the Oracle(s) of Delphi. Modern researchers believe that selected young women with a simple, pure and an uneducated nature would take turns being the Oracle of Apollo. She would sit on a stool which straddled the open fissure and emitting gasses. Soon after taking her seat, she would go into a kind of stupor; only then could she give amazing answers, insight and details on the future. Currently the world’s “best” minds believe those young women could only have given those answers because they were intoxicated, or it was merely the people around the Oracle making profound interpretations. Can either of these explanations really be logical? How could intoxicated and uneducated young women give details on war-making, on advanced science, on philosophy or details of the future? As to interpretations of those surrounding the oracle… No amount of interpretations–rich in imagination could account for all the profound Greek inventions and advancement in philosophy and science which were far, far ahead of all other Western nations at the time. Indeed, the knowledge and philosophy coming out of the Oracles molded and influenced the thinking of men like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Plutarch. Neither does it answer how those interpreting the Oracles would have known the details of the future. Many of the philosophers openly give credit to the Oracles. Indeed, Plutarch was a Delphi Oracle priest. So what could account for the wisdom and knowledge of the Oracles? It was simply a temporary spirit possession. A spirit was speaking though those women. There is a profound reason why only the simple, pure—unspoiled and uneducated young women were carefully chosen to be Oracles. It seemed that the spirits of a higher level could more easily take temporary control of this type of good person. Did you know that portions of the Great Law of the Universe were first given to the Western nations through the Oracles? … and that the Oracles predicted the coming of Jesus Christ?

What Cayce and the Oracles of Delphi Had in Common: Not only were Cayce’s abilities the same as the Oracles’ abilities, but the qualification were the same. Wasn’t Cayce also a simple, pure and good person like the oracles? Cayce was not a scientist, philosopher or doctor any more that those Oracle women. Cayce was picked by Heaven to share things with mankind; that is the reason we should honor and remember Edgar Cayce.

If one studies the actual “readings” (the typed transcripts ) of Cayce, it will be readily apparent that Cayce’s tone, speaking mannerisms and choices of words and phrases changed as the different spirits controlled his body. Cayce could not even remember what he had said during his subconscious state, nor could he understand the scientific basis for it.

There is one final link with Cayce and the Oracles: Both provided knowledge and insight helpful to mankind. Cayce provided clues when the End-Times would start. He provided clues on the bad guys… rather than Illuminati he called them the “Brotherhood.” Most importantly, he gave us clues as to the identity of this future, spiritual leader–the Liberator of Mankind.
Who is the Liberator of Mankind? Cayce had found a way to share his mind and body so that they could be temporarily possessed by other spirits. As a shared vessel, one spirit after another talked through him. Just as amazing, the possessing spirits all seemed to be good and helpful, and at least–most were accurate.

My research found five “readings” about this Spiritual Leader (Liberator), His spiritual revolution or His teachings. Cayce’s quotes (as recorded by his secretary) are in quote marks; my analysis follows each quote.

1. “… for changes are coming, this may be sure — an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought… Not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same as the Christ taught — his kind of communism.”

Evolution and revolution are key concepts in Falun Gong: Indeed, Mr. Li Hongzhi (Falun Gong’s founder) writes that he teaches the evolution of the Cosmos; that profound evolution is the key to what is ahead. Revolution or Turning of the Law Wheel… is the translated title name for Li Hongzhi’s most comprehensive book… Zhuan Falun. The teachings in Falun Gong emphasize kindness and compassion for others… even going beyond the Golden Rule, teaching that a practitioner should consider others BEFORE himself. These teachings certainly imply a sharing of resources as well as kindness as Cayce’s quote implies.

2. “And these [geological and weather changes leading to the End-Time] will begin in those periods in ’58 to ’98, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, ALONE is it given to those who have named the name – and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given.”
There is much to discuss and understand in this paragraph. First, the End-Times have been delayed from around the end of the millennium to sometime in the future. This delay can be determined by Bible Codes and numerous prophecies which did not happen as they were predicted at the end of the millennium. There are reasons for these delays and Li Hongzhi has explained them to his disciples. This extension was given for time to save more people and for some disciples to become more diligent. The spirit that gave this “reading” could not have known of changes in the future. Nevertheless during the period between 1958 to 1998, this Great Teacher and spiritual leader must be alive and “His light” noticeable. “His light” is an expression of His goodness and His level. Around 1958, Li Hongzhi (while still a young boy) began his training to become a Buddhist Master. By 1998, the spread of Falun Gong in China was amazing and accelerating; already, nearly 100,000,000 Chinese were practicing Falun Gong. The very next year, on 20 July, 1999, the Communist Chinese started an evil and vicious persecution of Falun Gong which continues to this day. As to the light being seen in the clouds, it could also be about the two suns in the sky. It is interesting that Nostradamus predicted that entering the End-Time two suns would seem to be in the sky. This amazing phenomenon was first observed and photographed in Flushing, New York–the current home of Li Hongzhi. Later the two-sun illusion was also photographed and reported in China.

Now for the second part of that paragraph: “As to times, as to seasons, as to places, ALONE is it given to those who have named the name – and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their bodies. To them it shall be given.” Li Hongzhi will have two group of disciples. The first group of disciples will be those ALONE of His calling and election. “Named the name” probably refers to his Dafa (Great Law) disciples—the first group. “…and who bear the mark of those of His Calling” probably refers to his disciples having their Third Eyes open.” His election in their body” refers to the Falun or Law Wheel placed inside (in another dimension) those disciples.


3. “And those that in the in most recesses of theirselves awaken to the spiritual truths that are to be given, and those places that have acted in the capacity of teachers among men, the rottenness of those that have ministered in places will be brought to light, and turmoils and strifes shall enter. And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of life, the throne of light, the throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand.- – “And those that seek in the latter portion of the year of our Lord (as ye have counted in and among men) 1936, He will appear!” [Corrected to 1998]- yet as each seeks to be a channel of blessings to the fellow man, each attunes self to the throne of universal information- the sun will be darkened – and there shall be proclaimed – through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and souls – that his star has appeared – and will point (pause) the way for those who enter into the Holy of Holies in themselves. He will appear!” [Corrected to 1998]

“And those that in the in most recesses of theirselves awaken to the spiritual truths that are to be given…” –This refers to practitioners of Falun Gong looking inside themselves to find and reduce selfish thoughts and attachments.

“…and those places that have acted in the capacity of teachers among men, the rottenness of those that have ministered in places will be brought to light, and turmoils and strifes shall enter.” — This refers to the future realization that mankind has been deceived by politicians, educators and religious leaders. Afterwards there will be turmoil and strife.

“And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of life, the throne of light, the throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand.”- - When people begin to awaken to the ongoing campaign of evil, immorality and deceit in the world–that will signal the beginning of the End-Time.

“And those that seek in the latter portion of the year of our Lord (as ye have counted in and among men) 1936, He will appear!” [Corrected to 1998]- Apparently, Cayce or the possessing spirit got the date wrong for the appearance of the Spiritual Leader. Either way, the possessing spirit quickly corrected the date that the Spiritual Leader would appear to 1998. As stated earlier, this was the date Li Hongzhi had the greatest growth of Falun Gong practitioners. With a following of nearly 100,000,000, no other new Spiritual Leader comes close to Li Hongzhi in 1998.

4. “… yet as each seeks to be a channel of blessings to the fellow man, each attunes self to the throne of universal information- the sun will be darkened – and there shall be proclaimed – through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and souls – that his star has appeared – and will point (pause) the way for those who enter into the Holy of Holies in themselves. He will appear!” [Corrected to 1998]
This section begins with the Dafa disciples seeking to help their fellow man also gain blessings from the teachings of Dafa (the Universal Laws or principles). As those disciples help others, the disciples will also be attuning themselves to the Great Law.
“… the sun will be darkened – and there shall be proclaimed – through the spiritual interception in the hearts and minds and souls – that his star has appeared – and will point (pause) the way for those who enter into the Holy of Holies in themselves. He will appear!” After the sun is darkened (three days of darkness?) Dafa disciples will make great headway helping others gain the Falun Dafa teachings. Much will be understood and proclaimed.
5. “That same name as to which the priest was banished – the constellation of Libra, or to Libya were these people sent. Is it not fitting, then, that these must return? as this priest may develop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of a LIBERATOR of the world in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in 1998.”
This is the first reference where Cayce uses the term “Liberator.” The teachings of Dafa (the Great Law) have nothing to do about a military liberation of mankind; understanding Dafa is key to liberating one’s soul from the reincarnation cycle. Man undergoes one life after another. The priest banishment to Libra or Libya seems to be a reference to Master Li (the Liberator) and many of his followers being banished from China and living in the land of LIBERTY, the USA. (Note, the astrological sign Libra: I AM PEACEFUL, I AM AN AMBASSADOR, I AM HARMONY,I AM A HOST, I AM LIBERTY, I AM LOVE…,) The portion about the Liberator of the world going into relationships with people over many periods… is exactly Master Li’s teaching of forming a “karmic relationship” with so many on Earth so that when He returned (around 1998) as the Liberator of the world, He could more easily suffer for some of their sins or karma.
“… and that hear and that see a light breaking in the east – and know that He will make thy paths straight then may the next step, the next word be declared unto thee – For ye in your weakness have known the way.” The light breaking in the east is of course, the appearance and teaching of Li Hongzhi, the Liberator of Mankind from China. “He will make thy paths straight” as every Falun Gong practitioner knows… He has taught the most profound things so as to make our paths to Heaven the straightest and quickest. “For ye in your weakness have known the way…” refers to disciples’ enlightenment process–where we simply remember what we have forgotten.

Closing Remarks: Edgar Cayce’s clues as to the identity of this Spiritual Leader during the End-Times are perfectly clear to Dafa disciples; those clues point to no other than Li Hongzhi and the Falun Gong/Dafa spiritual teachings. For Christians and others it is hard to be convinced as most of the clues can only be understood by Dafa disciples. Even after they are explained, there surely will remain some doubt. To peserve your soul, it is not essential that you convert to Falun Gong. Dafa disciples immediate goal is to remind you to be a good person. Do good things not bad things. Remember you have a soul which lives on after your death. You should try to accumulate virtue and not sins. If you have doubt about what is good or bad, place yourself in other person’s shoes and ask yourself, “Is this how I would like to be treated.” This, of course, comes from the teaching of Jesus.