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Is This Image A Nephilim Being? Proof Of Nibiru/Ne

Is This Image A Nephilim Being? Proof Of Nibiru/Ne

Is This Image A Nephilim Being? Proof Of Nibiru/Nephilim Giants Returning? (Video)


In the video below by CourageousNurdz they point out that it would take 1,000 Earths to fill Jupiter and yet scientists have just discovered a planet that is 11 times the size of Jupiter. Is this the Nibiru that many people believe is headed towards Earth? Furthermore is the recent image of what looked like a giant being that appeared to be coming from the sun, a Nephilim being? Do the two have anything to do with each other? 

Is Nibiru coming? Are the Nephilim returning? Or are overactive imaginations running away with people?

In one breath scientists insist that they cannot explain what they see with this new planet that is 11 times biggier than Jupiter and in the next they claim  the new planet is still “young.”

It is clear they have no idea where this new planet came from as they admit it follows none of their models, so it is safe to say they are dealing with an unknown and probably cannot be relied up for their “expert” analysis after that acknowledgment.