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Southwest Health District workers promote HIV/AIDS

Southwest Health District workers promote HIV/AIDS

Southwest Health District workers promote HIV/AIDS testing


ALBANY, GA (WALB) -  Knowing your status is the message Southwest Health District workers want you to remember.

District workers were at ASU promoting HIV and AIDS testing.

They say its important for everyone to get tested, and know their status so they can be treated if needed.

They did free tests for people today. There were also lots of vendors on hand.

"Its important because we want people to be tested. Knowing your status is the most important thing that we can put out right now. Being HIV positive, there is so much stigma around it but it you know your status your able to be treated receive the treatment that you'll require and you'll know your status," says Coordinator Latoya Robinson.

This month marks National Women & Girls HIV and AIDS Awareness Day.