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Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon 805 Ultra HD Process

Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon 805 Ultra HD Process

Qualcomm Announces Snapdragon 805 Ultra HD Processor



The current flagship SoC is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 800. With four cores clocked near (and often more than) 2 GHz, it’s a beast of a mobile chip. That said, the selection of phones configured with it is rather small. But Qualcomm is already on the next big thing, specifically, their newly announced Snapdragon 805.

Krait 450 CPU and Adreno 420 GPU. The Krait cores will run at up to 2.5 GHz per core and feature memory bandwidth pushing 25.6 GB/s while the Adreno 420 GPU is roughly 40 percent faster than its predecessor, according to Qualcomm. Also important to note, the Snapdragon 805 is the first mobile processor to have system level support for Ultra HD, 4K playback and recording and dual Image Signal Processors. In short: it’s a beast of a chip. 

Perhaps HTC will get on the ground running with that rumoured M8/One successor by being one of the first manufacturers to launch with a Snapdragon 805. We can dream…

More: Qualcomm
