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12/19/2013 – Alien Disclosure Imminent! – Moon, Ma

12/19/2013 – Alien Disclosure Imminent! – Moon, Ma

12/19/2013 – Alien Disclosure Imminent! – Moon, Mars & U.F.O.S Coming In 2014


To date, Planet hunters have spotted more than 300 planets beyond our solar system, but the vast majority are hot, Jupiter-sized planets that would dwarf the Earth and are almost certainly lifeless.a

A few month ago, the first rocky planet was found outside solar system, but the surface temperature is far too hot to sustain life. The planet, called CoRoT-7b, is the first planet beyond our solar system with a proven density similar to Earth’s, astronomers say. Most known exoplanets are large gas giants like Jupiter.

The tiny planet was discovered orbiting a star slightly smaller and cooler than our sun, about 500 light-years away. As the planet passed in front of its star, it eclipsed a small portion of the star’s light, causing a dip in brightness.

Astronomers may be on the brink of discovering a second Earth-like planet, a find that would add fresh impetus to the search for extraterrestrial life.

Published on Dec 19, 2013

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