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7 Peculiar Ways To Improve Your Health, And Some T

7 Peculiar Ways To Improve Your Health, And Some T

7 Peculiar Ways To Improve Your Health, And Some That Are NOT Recommended

We are always looking for some new ideas on ways to be healthier and live more natural lives.  Here are a few ideas that may have slipped your mind.  Simple, healthy and free! 

1. Eating Dirt

Most of us spend considerable time trying to eliminate dirt from our lives, but evidence suggests it might be time to rethink things. Dining on dirt and clay — geophagy — not only seems to soothe the stomach but may also eliminate bad bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins from the gut. Animals as well as people in tribal and rural societies (particularly pregnant women and young children) have been doing it since the dawn of time. In fact, dirt eating is culturally sanctioned and even encouraged in many parts of the world.

2. Forest Bathing

The Japanese term Shinrin-yoku may literally mean “forest bathing,” but it doesn’t involve soaking in a tub among the trees. Rather it refers to spending time in the woods for its therapeutic (or bathing) effect. Most of us have felt tension slip away in the midst of trees and nature’s beauty. But science now confirms its healing influence on the body. When you spend a few hours on a woodland hike or camping by a lake you breathe in phytoncides, active substances released by plants to protect them against insects and from rotting, which appear to lower blood pressure and stress and boost your immune system.

3. Walking Barefoot

Marilyn Monroe once said, “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.” That may be true in the modern world, but for most of history, humans did their conquering and everything else sans shoes. Which, according to some scientists, makes for healthier feet. In fact, more and more walkers and runners are kicking off their structured, cushioned athletic shoes and going barefoot to take better advantage of the foot’s natural physiology and put less stress on their lower extremities and the rest of their bodies.

4. Moon Gardening

Good news for night owls with a green thumb. Planting a moon garden is good for your health and your soul. It’s already well known that daytime gardening lowers stress and increases well-being. So it only makes sense that planting night-blooming flowers and foliage can help extend nature’s curative powers around the clock. Plus, you get the added benefit of soaking up some moon rays (lunar therapy), which some health seekers believe is the key to beating everything from depression to cancer.

5. Bathing In The Ocean

The term “thalassotherapy” was coined in ancient Greece by Hippocrates, a firm believer in the health benefits of bathing and swimming in seawater. The idea continues today. In fact, research shows that taking a dip in warm ocean waters can boost your immune system, activate your body’s healing powers, improve circulation, hydrate dry skin and increase your sense of well being and relaxation. Time to catch a wave or two, perhaps, or indulge in some beach therapy.

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Here are some other peculiar ways that some cultures and the superstitious believe improve health. Highly NOT recommended.

Top 10 Ways to Increase Health and Wealth (by Becoming a Cannibal)