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NSA’s Fake War On Terror- Are You Scared Yet? (Vid

NSA’s Fake War On Terror- Are You Scared Yet? (Vid

NSA’s Fake War On Terror- Are You Scared Yet? (Video)


Since 9/11, the tyranny of “terrorism” has slowly crept into our lives and eroded our freedoms, one by one. The regime continues to promote “phony terror” to keep the citizenry off balance. This country is continually bombarded with images of terror attacks or thwarted attacks, thanks to the vigilance of our caring, always observant govt.

Some of the phony terror plots have been:

a fake shoe bomber;
fake underwear bomber;
fake Times Square bomber;
an earlier one there;
fake shampoo bombers;
fake Al Qaeda woman planning fake mass casualty attacks on New York landmarks;
fake Oregon bomber;
fake armed forces recruiting station bomber;
fake synagogue bombers;
fake Chicago Sears Tower bombers;
fake FBI and other building bombers;
fake National Guard, Fort Dix and Quantico marine base attackers;
fake 9/11 bombers;
fake Boston bombers; and
numerous others.



On December 12, Obama’s committee released its report. It’s titled “Liberty and Security in a Changing World.” Its handpicked members included:
former acting CIA head Michael Morell;
former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counterterrorism Richard Clarke;
former Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Cass Sunstein; Francis Boyle calls him a neocon;
Democrat party connected/political advocacy group Center for American Progress member Peter Swire; and
University of Chicago Law Professor Geoffrey Stone.