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Mikhail Kalashnikov dies at the age of 94 years

Mikhail Kalashnikov dies at the age of 94 years

Mikhail Kalashnikov dies at the age of 94 years



The arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov died on Monday, aged 94 years, in the Russian city of Izhevsk, According to the local government official.

The work of Kalashnikov for the Soviet Union immortalized the name of the most popular gun fire on the planet, the AK-47 rifle, used by both regular armies as by illegal armed groups and rebels all over the planet.

The name AK-47 is a combination of the initials of the rifle, "Avtomat Kalashnikova", and the year in which the gun was first produced, 1947.

Inspired by the assault rifle German Sturmgewehr 44, the gun became popular because of its relatively simple maintenance for its resistance to adverse conditions, such as water, sand and mud, and also for its low cost.

It is estimated that 100 million AK-47 are in use worldwide.

Asked in 2007 about his contribution to the bloodshed in conflicts around the world, Kalashnikov said: "I sleep well politicians are to blame for the lack of agreement and the use of violence.". Source: Associated Press.



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