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Williams: On Gold – The Banks They Are a’Changing

Williams: On Gold – The Banks They Are a’Changing

Williams: On Gold – The Banks They Are a’Changing


Very often the contrast between what is happening with the gold price and its underlying fundamentals compared to bank analysts’ predictions, is noticeable. We frequently comment on the ease in which mainstream analysts change their forecasts, drawing attention to the fact that as they clearly cannot predict the future they ‘adjust’ the price expectations according to events they failed to foresee.


Even when forecasts are not involved, the mainstream still fail to report on true gold demand, instead deciding to rely on flawed data such as that offered by the World Gold Council on Chinese gold demand.

However, Lawrie Williams of Mineweb believes that there is a very slow shift in sentiment happening amongst mainstream analysts. Whilst many are loathed to change their long-term predictions, there are some who are feeling that small increases in the gold price are entirely possible.