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Gay Test: Are you gay?

Gay Test: Are you gay?

Gay Test: Are you gay?


(1)                                                                         (2)



_ What draws the pictures?

[ ] The Beauty

[ ] Sexual Desire


_ The photo makes you embarrassed?

[ ] Men

[ ] Woman



If your answer is man, and you are a man, do not worry maybe you just looked at him noticing her beauty. More if you felt the urge to have sex with him, and it's possible that you're gay and you enjoy Related men.

Maybe you feel attracted by them, sexually speaking woman you like and want to have the beauty of man to pleasure the woman.

The same sentiment is for woman.

In short, you may not be gay, just want to have the beauty of a strong and handsome man, this is normal. More case feels sexual attraction, you might be gay and like to a man as a partner.


Think before you take your final decision, it may influence your decision. I hope that the test has helped.


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