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Big Brother on the telescreen in your pocket.

Big Brother on the telescreen in your pocket.

Big Brother on the telescreen in your pocket.


Ukraine has suspended its citizens’ right of assembly in order to prevent protests against that country’s increasing closeness and alignment with Russia. Now, it is using cellphone records to determine who is assembling anyway.

KIEV, Ukraine — As demonstrators in ski masks scuffled with the police here on Tuesday evening, opposition leaders accused the government of provoking the very violence it has been condemning in an effort to discredit and possibly split the protest movement.

“We see a radicalization of the opposition. We see the escalation of the conflict, but we hear the government speak of the street,” said Irina V. Gerashchenko, a member of Parliament with the Udar Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform. “This is very dangerous. The government should speak of the country, should speak of its citizens and civil society.”

The government’s opponents pointed to three recent actions by the government that they said were intended to incite the more radical protesters and sow doubt in the minds of the moderates: new laws passed last week circumscribing the right for public assembly; the blocking of a protest march on a side street; and on Tuesday, sending cellphone messages to people standing in the vicinity of the fighting saying, “Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.”

Even Winston Smith didn’t carry his telescreen around Airstrip One.

Your cellphone: The monitoring and tracking device that you not only carry voluntarily, but which you happily pay for.

More here.
