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The Psychotropic arms race

The Psychotropic arms race

The Psychotropic arms race



(Translated from Russian by Google Translate)


Currently the world’s growing interest in non-lethal weapons. One of its example is a psychotropic weapon. It is worth noting that about psychotropic weapons can say now only as a hypothetical means of mass destruction. Officially registered facts of use of these weapons do not exist, as there is no documented evidence of its creation. At the heart of such weapons is the impact on the brain and mind of man, animals. This assumes forced or compulsory control the damaging effects. Like many types of weapons, first started talking about psychotropic weapons of science fiction writers.Among the first writers who predicted the appearance of the weapon, was a Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Belyayev.

Inverse image of psychotropic substances can be found in the writer’s fantasy novel “The Lord of the World”, which was released in 1926. From the perspective of the military, the main area of the impact of psychotropic weapons may be different crews of combat vehicles (tanks, armored personnel carriers, aircraft, vehicles, ships and submarines ) to their destabilization and destruction. It also assumes the massive impact of psychotropic weapons into separate territories for the purpose of provoking unrest and riots, to create a condition in humans increased aggression, or, conversely, apathy, lethargy and depression. Psychotropic weapons can be attributed to the type of weapons that are used covertly.

Rather strange to the ear simple layman phrase “psychotropic weapons” appeared in the press about 20 years ago. At the same time talked about such weapons primarily by scientists, are not recognized by the Academy of Sciences, or retired military. Usually they both talked about some other generators, which were located hundreds of kilometers away from the “objects” of exposure and could, if necessary, to create a “mess” in the human brain, mind shatter, model and change behavior and even bring a man to death. Often, after the appearance of such publications in the media and certainly appeared “victim” use of such weapons, which swamped editorial complaining voice in my head that whispered them orders.

In most cases, journalists remained silent or encouraged them to go to a psychiatrist. worth noting that the “degree of insanity” in some articles on the topic of psychotropic weapons that can be found today on the internet rolls. Why are only the mention of the protective cap from the foil in the shape of a cone and instructions for its manufacture! .. The authors of publications seriously comparing a cap with combat helmets Slavic warriors.Apparently, our ancestors through such helmets had to defend themselves from psychotropic weapons Teutonic Knights or Mongol horsemen. Not surprisingly, the famous Russian physicist, Nobel laureate and co-chairman on pseudoscience with RAS Vitaly Ginzburg considers information about psychotropic weapons of utter nonsense. Thus have such weapons and their advocates. Most of them – is retired military. Some of them worked in the state security system of the country. For example, we are talking about Major General Boris Ratnikovym.

Not so long ago, my opinion on this matter and shared foreign specialist Serge Kerbnah working in the German Center for Advanced Robotics and Environmental Sciences (Stuttgart). According to him, the U.S. and the USSR for many years spent huge sums on conducting various non-traditional research, including the development of psychotropic weapons.

During the Cold War and the Soviet Union, and the United States waged a battle on many fronts, including in order to demonstrate their scientific and technological achievements. Some of these “battles” are widely known and have been described in detail by historians – for example, the race for sending the first man in space or on the moon. On some others, especially the military, much less is known. One of the fields of battle can be called non-traditional research – parapsychology, which in the Soviet Union called psychotronic influence on human control over his mind, and similar studies. Some of the works that were carried out in this field in the United States, were made ​​public today. Thus studies that were conducted in the USSR, very little is known. But thanks to the work of Serge Kernbaha this situation may change.

Based on declassified documents and information, which was published in Russian magazines about art, he managed to create a kind of overview of the Soviet Union in the field of non-traditional studies from 1917 and ending in 2003. Serge Kernbah argues that research in the USSR developed in this period more or less independently of the works that were carried out in the West, while the Soviet studies were based on the most unconventional of the same topics that were the basis of secret research carried out in the United States. In his works Kernbah also talks about how the Soviet Union and the United States used what little they knew about each other’s work, in order to create a standalone project funding cycle. Expand Country psychotronic race cost a billion dollars and ended only at the beginning of the XXI century, when the bubble burst funding these studies.

For decades the Soviet Union to focus on those areas, many of which were a reflection of the work conducted in the United States. For example, the U.S. project called MKULTRA – 20-year program prepared by the CIA. The project aims to explore different ways to manipulate the human mind, as well as changes of certain functions of the brain.In the USSR, work was carried out on a similar program, which included the various experiments in the field of parapsychology. In the USSR the study were built on a fairly old Soviet idea that the human brain is able to send and receive a certain type of electromagnetic radiation (high frequency). It was assumed that using this radiation can affect a variety of objects.

Various investigators have testified that such a “human energy” able to influence the hydrogen nuclei to change their magnetization, leading to stimulation of the immune system of some plants, such as wheat or grapes and even people. In the USSR was even developed a special device called “Tserpan”, which was to store and generate such energy. Like the American program MKULTRA, Soviet also included the possibility of studying the effects of electromagnetic waves on the people, and, in fact, led to the design and development of psychotropic weapons, the main purpose of which was the manipulation of human consciousness. Serzh Kernbah also tells a significant Soviet study nonlocal signaling which is based on the Aharonov – Bohm. This effect can be seen at a time when the charged particle is exposed to an electromagnetic field, even if it is currently located in an area where the field intensity is zero. Apparently, the Soviet specialists gave this effect called “twist” and even constructed a special apparatus for its application.

However, it is still unknown how they were able to advance the work and how successful were these attempts.Apparently, by 2003, all work in this direction were stopped. In the analysis Kernbaha lacks detailed discussion of Soviet research programs.Therefore, the reader is still hard to escape the thought that he has to deal only with sets of professional terms and pseudoscience. According to Serge Kernbaha holding these studies require significant amounts of investment. Exact figures are hard enough to call today, but he believes that the USSR spent on research in this area to $ 1 billion. Costs of Washington to implement such projects were comparable project MKULTRA were spent hundreds of millions of dollars. According to German researchers, at the level of individual programs, American and Soviet costs are comparable. Currently, most of the non-traditional research is still classified. Documents from experiments that were conducted under the supervision of another OGPU and the NKVD, even more than 80 years later, are still classified.