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The Beatles: The Sad Truth- With The Illuminati

The Beatles: The Sad Truth- With The Illuminati

The Beatles: The Sad Truth- With The Illuminati


The love that I cherished for The Beatles has completly vanished away. It was about three years ago I remember driving a beat up old van while inserting one after another Beatles cassettes throughout my driving journeys. After getting more and more into The Beatles and their music I decided to branch out into my utter obsession at the time and read a biography on The Beatles. I can’t remember the name of it but it definetly changed my outlook on The Beatles and how the band treated one another…and it was not for the good. I ended up crossing over a page about The Beatles randomly last year. It was about the symbols The Beatles used on their album covers which were signs of The Illuminati. This made me question on what their songs were really about and if they were really for “peace and love” like they potrayed.



Paul McCartney makes a ’666′/EYE OF HORUS hand sign. John Lennon does the rock on sign which actually resembles devil horns…yeah I guess I’ll never use that one again.

Below is some content from a very resourceful website exposing The Beatles as a puppet of The Illuminati:
The songs also feature occult lyrics. The song ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ refers to Lucifer in the sky with “diamonds” (aka “stars”, the Dogstar Sirius representing Lucifer).

The track ‘Across The Universe’ is about demon possession. John Lennon sings ‘gai guru deva’ (all hail to the devas). In Theosophy, a deva is a spiritual entity, i.e. demon, which exists behind the scenes manipulating and directing human behavior. Luciferians believe they are possessed by these entities when they rape, torture and kill innocent victims.

In 1963 Paul said, “Christianity doesn’t fit in with my life.” In 1966 John was more forthcoming, telling Newsweek, “Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue about that. I’m right and will be proved right.”

This is all pretty sad and shocking. I will never respect The Beatles after what they have promoted throughout their songs. They wern’t for PEACE and LOVE they were for POWER and CONTROL.

I will list the websites below if you want to read more on The Beatles associated with The Iluminati…this website should get all the credit. This is how I found out about this tragedy.




REEPY! Aleister Crowley is the nastiest and most vile man that I have ever read about. He was an English occultist. His work…was the devils work.