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Women of the Beat Generation: a Celebration at the

Women of the Beat Generation: a Celebration at the

Women of the Beat Generation: a Celebration at the Beat Museum in San Francisco

Viva Editions publisher Brenda Knight will be speaking tonight at the Beat Museum on and with Women of the Beat Generation.


Publisher, editor & writer Brenda Knight & friends present an evening celebrating the writers, artists, and muses at the heart of a revolution. Brenda Knight, publisher of Viva Editions, and author of Women of the Beat Generation (Conari Press), Joanna Mclure, Mary Nobert Korte, and Nicole Henares will be reading tonight at the Beat Museum in San Francisco at 7PM.

Brenda Knight's Women of the Beat Generation was an unprecedented exploration of the lives and secret histories of the long-overlooked women of the Beat Generation and is a winner of the American Book Award. Her most recent book is The Grateful Table(Viva Editions 2013).

Joanna McClure has been writing poetry since the 1950s and worked for 35 years in early childhood development. The author of several poetry collections, she continues to give readings and publish her work in limited-edition chapbooks.

Mary Norbet Körte – Described by Denise Levertov as one of America’s foremost undiscovered poets, and by Anne Waldman as one of the lesser known illuminati (her favorite), Mary Norbert Körte has been writing in the woods of Mendocino County since 1972. Originally a nun in San Francisco, she heard Beat poet Allen Ginsberg read in 1965, and it changed her life.

Nicole Henares sometimes masquerades as a poet named Aurelia Lorca. Misti Rainwater-Lites’s Ebullience Press has published two collections of her poems, Trills From A Numbed Tongue of Duhhhh, and Putting On My Red Shoes and Dancing The Blues.