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Constitution Suspended In California County Along

Constitution Suspended In California County Along

Constitution Suspended In California County Along With The Bill Of Rights!


The United States Constitution along with the Bill of Rights has been suspended in Santa Clara, Kalifornia after a 20 year employee of the county decided she wanted to voice her opinion about the disastrous ‘Obamacare’, leading to supervisors informing this employee that they were no longer allowed to voice their opinions. While this story is going viral around America, we request our readers to BOMBARD Santa Clara county offices with phone calls of disgust at the mere thought that they are above the supreme law of the land. Contact info for these ‘Nazi’s’ can be found below story and newly released video of Melissa Perry-Harris who suggests that merely calling ‘Obamacare’ Obamacare is akin to using the ‘N’ word.

Santa Clara County, the heart of the Silicon Valley has revoked the Constitution along with the Bill of Rights.  Norina Mooney, who has spent the last 20 years of her life working for Santa Clara County, made a comment to a fellow employee at the water fountain about the millions who has had their insurance cancelled by Obamacare.  Just a short while later, she found herself in her supervisor’s office, being ragged on about her derogatory statement about Obamacare.

The commissar told her that in the future, if she felt mthe need to criticize “The One” or any of his policies, she would have to leave government property to do it.  The commissar explained that politics has no place in the office.  Mooney finds this very strange, since the office is filled with Obama memorabilia.  And at election time, the employees wear Obama clothing.  This seems to indicate that politics in the office is perfectly acceptable as long as they are the “right” politics.

Boards and Commissions (County Program)

70 West Hedding Street, 10th Floor, East Wing

San Jose, CA 95110

Map / Directions

Main Phone: 408-299-5001

Fax: 408-938-4525


70 West Hedding Street, 1st Floor, (at First Street)

San Jose, CA 95110

Map / Directions

Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Office of the County Executive

70 West Hedding Street, 11th Floor

San Jose, CA 95110

Map / Directions

Phone: (408) 299-5105

Office of the County Executive Contacts

Office of Human Relations

2310 North First Street, Suite 104

San Jose, CA 95131

Map / Directions

Phone: (408) 792-2307

Fax: (408) 297-2463


Office of Human Relations Contacts

Office of Public Affairs

70 West Hedding Street, 11th Floor East Wing

San Jose, CA 95110

Map / Directions

Phone: (408) 299-5119

Phone: (408) 231-0469 (Pager)

Fax: (408) 295-2192
