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London To Be Impacted By Massive Space Object? (In

London To Be Impacted By Massive Space Object? (In

London To Be Impacted By Massive Space Object? (Informer News Video)

According to a new video release by Endtimes London is to be impacted by a massive space object the size of what they call a “football pitch,” and they claim another space object will hit somewhere in the northern hemisphere in their latest Informer News.

Also included in their title and video below is “plus Fukushima Could Trigger Extinction Level Event.”

The London claim starts at the 4:37 minute mark.

Via the video details:

…,if this claim turns out to be correct then London will suffer terrible destruction in the near future ,The object that fell on Russia in feb was small in comparison so you could imagine what an object as big as a football pitch would do if it impacted a city the size of London ,plus Fukushima the terrible danger to the human and animal population as radiation still poors out of this damaged nuclear plant and claims that if another explosion takes place the implication for the human and animal life forms on this planet would be grim and could well lead to an extinction level event and the truth about the secret space program . timeline sun 1st dec 2013.



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