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Something Strange Happening In Cali

Something Strange Happening In Cali

Something Strange Happening In Cali

The story excerpted below from the Deccan Herald appears to tell a happy tale of countless sea creatures living inhabiting the shores around Monterey Bay in California. Quite strangely scientists tell us, “it’s all around” and “it’s a very strange year”…but why…why are all the sea creatures now living so close to the shores of the West Coast? Something strange is surely happening in California, but it’s not the $64,000 question they call it in the story below… the name is Fukushima, and sea animals bum rushing the shoreline while millions of creatures perish within the same Pacific Ocean is not a good thing.

It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them, their silvery blue bodies thick in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands, from up and down the California coast, and the pelicans, arriving in one long V-formation after another.


Fleets of bottlenose dolphins joined them. But it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents – more than 200 humpbacks lunging, breaching, blowing and tail flapping – and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy orcas that briefly crashed the party, picking off sea lions along the way.“I can’t tell you where to look,” Nancy Black, a marine biologist leading a boat full of whale watchers said as the water in every direction roiled with mammals. “It’s all around.”

For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories, inviting comparisons to African scenes like the wildebeest migration or herds of antelope on the Serengeti.

So, we know for a fact that all across the Pacific Ocean, it has turned into a death zone, with no signs of life for miles and miles. However, close to the shore, anchovies are still bountiful…has the California coast turned into a sort of ‘Noah’s Ark’ for the remaining creatures? It’s certainly not the $64,000 question for anyone who has been paying the slightest attention with more and a newly released video below.


“The $64,000 question is why this year?” said Marinovic, who noted that anchovies had been unusually scarce for the last five or six years and that when they do thrive, they usually appear in the spring and early summer.

“Now they’re all kind of concentrating on the coast,” he said of the anchovies. “They seem to seek out Monterey Bay because the water tends to be a little warmer and the eggs will develop quickly.” The fish, he said, “are providing a feast for all these things that feed on them.”


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