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In Harmony with the New Year

In Harmony with the New Year

In Harmony with the New Year



Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions yet? Stop making resolutions and commit instead to flow.


This is the year of listening to your body, for your body is part of Mother Nature and Her wisdom. The human body is an amazing machine, capable of incredible self-care, which is why it is always communicating to us exactly what it needs to thrive. But are we listening?

When we listen to the body, we listen to an intuitive and instinctual wisdom about energetic patterns that keep the body in harmony with the challenges we experience every day. It is important then to realize that the body has changing needs, and to commit to a rigid pattern in life, such as a diet or exercise routine, does not serve the body. Every choice we make must adhere to our body’s biological and energetic needs in that moment. So we may ask ourselves – am I energetic? do I feel rigid? do I feel empowered by the choices that I make TODAY, or in this meal, or in this routine.

Pushing ourselves into any endeavor in which we feel resistance in the body is harmful. We know how to take care of ourselves based on certain models of performance learned years ago: How to bend at the knees when lifting something heavy; how to chew our food appropriately to aid in digestion; how to protect our muscles from strain and our lungs from fatigue. But do we know when it is appropriate to commit to listening to our body’s needs? Do you keep working when you are sick, or do you allow yourself to slow down and rest? Do you play in spite of an injury, or do you allow yourself time to heal?

The post In Harmony with the New Year appeared first on OMTimes Magazine.
