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78% Fear ObamaCare Site Security, Could Deter Sign

78% Fear ObamaCare Site Security, Could Deter Sign

78% Fear ObamaCare Site Security, Could Deter Signups

In what could be the biggest handicap to getting people to sign up for ObamaCare, the public is over whelmingly concerned about the security of the information compiled by the health care exchange.

The latest IBD/TIPP Poll finds that 78% say Americans should be worried about the security of the ObamaCare exchange website, and 53% say they should be “very concerned.” This view was shared across parties, with 69% of Democrats saying security concerns are warranted.

More worrisome for the law’s success, 82% of those aged 18-24 say concern is justified. These are among the people ObamaCare most desperately needs to enroll to keep overall premiums from spiraling out of control.



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