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The NSA is Coming to Town with Spy Santas

The NSA is Coming to Town with Spy Santas

The NSA is Coming to Town with Spy Santas

The ACLU’s holiday parody video is making the rounds. Though it’s lighthearted, it concludes with a definitive call to action to end the NSA’s unlawful spying activities.

Every week brings new revelations about the depth of the dragnet digital surveillance under which most of the planet currently lives. It has been one of the defining stories of 2013. Let’s do our best to make 2014 the year that this rogue agency is brought under control.

Since we can’t expect the NSA to relinquish power willingly, nor can we fully expect federal legislation to be forthcoming, one initiative gaining momentum is a plan to literally shut down their power. You can learn more about the NSA’s Achilles Heel here, or you can visit, and #NullifyNSA. You can also click the banner beneath the video to learn strategies for how to protect your online communications in the best ways possible.

Meanwhile, enjoy the jingle below. Holidays certainly would be happier in a world free of government surveillance of its own citizens.
