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Hillary, You Allowed Americans to be Murdered in B

Hillary, You Allowed Americans to be Murdered in B

Hillary, You Allowed Americans to be Murdered in Benghazi – Do You Really Think We Are Going to Let You Forget That?



With all the recent information being made public (finally) that points fingers at the Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that they absolutely, without doubt, knew that the attack on our consulate on September 11th of 2012 was a terrorist attack, the next big question is: Why didn’t somebody do something about it? Why did Obama and Clinton not send help? Why did they lie to us? And why did they continue to lie? Never once have I heard anybody take any blame onto themselves for this tragedy.

Well, one answer is clear enough; Obama was in a political fight to keep his job. He didn’t want to look like an idiot (even though he is). But why didn’t Hillary say something, anything, at the time of the attack and get help to those brave men on the ground? Nobody did anything and people died. What really upsets me about all of this (besides the obvious) seems to be that Hillary has got a complete pass, and she still gets to prepare for her bid at the White House!