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JFK Conspiracy Proven By One Photo

JFK Conspiracy Proven By One Photo

JFK Conspiracy Proven By One Photo

According to YouTube videographer Higher Truth Channel in the video below, one single photograph proves that there was indeed a ‘conspiracy’ in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The photo and video below are completely damning. There WAS a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. The American people HAVE been lied to. This proves it.

On November 22, 1963, Connally was seriously wounded while riding in President Kennedy’s car at Dealey Plaza in Dallas when the president was assassinated. He recovered from wounds in his chest, wrist and thigh. The ten-month investigation by the Warren Commission of 1963–1964 concluded that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman. Connally did not dispute this conclusion but did for the rest of his life question the single bullet theory.[16]



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