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74-Year-Old Man Victim Of ‘Knockout Game’ At DENNY

74-Year-Old Man Victim Of ‘Knockout Game’ At DENNY

74-Year-Old Man Victim Of ‘Knockout Game’ At DENNY’S


DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) – It was nearly two weeks ago when an elderly man was beaten to the ground outside a Dallas restaurant. Now police in the city are investigating a similar incident.

The attack happened along Central Expressway near Knox-Henderson.

The manager of a Denny’s restaurant says he found 74-year-old Charles Pace lying face down, motionless and bleeding in the parking lot. It was two o’clock Friday morning.

The woman said it was only when police arrived that Pace started to move, but he seemed confused.

The manager thought the elderly man might have had too much to drink and fell down. Investigators say Pace told them he was headed to the restaurant when he was struck on the back of the head in an unprovoked attack by three men.

A police report reads,”[Responding officers] believe that [Pace] was the victim of the latest ‘knockout game.’”

The knockout game, a trend involving attacks on unsuspecting victims, has made national headlines recently with many attacks videotaped and posted online.

Friday afternoon, police said they were searching social media for clues, but backed away from the report saying they simply don’t know the motive for the assault.

“I’m not gonna play into this knockout game. It’s not a game. It’s a crime,” said Dallas police Major Jeff Cotner. “These actions are criminal.”

Officials with the department would say that the crime is very similar to the attack two weeks ago on Luis Rocha. The 69-year-old was assaulted in the parking lot of a Campisi’s restaurant, just blocks from the Denny’s.

In both cases, nothing was stolen and the men say no words were exchanged. Both victims say three men attacked them.

So far, police admit they have few leads in either case and are asking the public for tips.

“Someone’s out there committing these crimes. They’re doing it with malice and forethought. They’re victimizing these people, and we need your help,” said Cotner.
