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And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confisc

And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confisc

And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices

Subj: And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices | The Truth About Guns

And So It Begins: New York Sending Out Gun Confiscation Notices

By Robert Farago onNovember 27, 2013


New York’s SAFE Act is a bad, bad thing. It requires people to register, sell or transfer (out of state) “assault rifles” and “high capacity” magazines. Many Empire State gun and standard capacity ammunition magazine owners have complied. Many have not. So, at some point, the State’s gonna go get ‘em. People on both sides of the law enforcement divide will die and the s will hit the fan. Meanwhile, there it is: the reason why expanded background checks, indeed allbackground checks and anytype of registration, set the stage for confiscation. And tyranny. [ED: This notice was sent for New York City residents, based on New York City laws, not necessarily SAFE Act provisions.] [h/t DrVino]
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