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Walmart Introduces Obamacare Machine With RFID Mic

Walmart Introduces Obamacare Machine With RFID Mic

Walmart Introduces Obamacare Machine With RFID Microchip Hand Scanner Port (VIDEO)

Walmart has rolled out a machine called the Solo Health Station, and it is designed to connect it’s shopper with Obamacare and it’s subsidies. A very interesting feature of this machine is that it has a scanner port to read an RFID microchip that is placed at approximately where your right hand would be when you are standing in front of it.

The Mark of the Beast

The first thing you need to understand about the mark of the beast is that it is a worldwide system that collects and gathers information, and ties it in with personal records of all kinds. This will culminate in a chip, implanted in your body, that will personally connect you to the system. Today you see that information is already being collected when you use your debit card, the loyalty card at the supermarket, your car has computer chips that enable it to function – everything is controlled by a chip that feeds the information to various databases around the world. Even the Internet itself is part of this system. 

“And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Revelation 9:6 

What is presented on this page is not fantasy, or our idea of something that could happen in the near future. Every item here will tell you about advances in technology that either are in place, or in the end stages of development and about to be released. Every item here will show you not only the plan, but the actuals tools that the New World Order (NWO) has in place to track you right now at this very moment to monitor you, and control you. We also tell you why they are doing this, and how it all will end. The bible, in the book of Revelation, calls this the mark of the beast. What the apostle John could only stare at in awe and wonder in the revelation that Jesus showed him of the end times, not knowing fully what he saw, we get to see become real. These are the end times foretold in the book of Revelation.

 The Mark of the Beast and the Implantable RFID Chip

Walmart has rolled out a machine called the Solo Health Station, and it is designed to connect it’s shopper with Obamacare and it’s subsidies. 

A very interesting feature of this machine is that it has a scanner port to read an RFID microchip that is placed at approximately where your right hand would be when you are standing in front of it.

TUNE IN TONIGHT AT 9:00PM EST for a LIVE radio broadcast on the MARK OF THE BEAST.

Now, why would they need that, you might wonder? A very good question.

Bit by bit, American are being bombarded with RFID microchip technology. It appears in every aspect of our daily lives. We have literally become highly dependent on it for nearly all medical, financial and commerce-related transactions.