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13 international events in 2013

13 international events in 2013

13 international events in 2013

  • January 11: France intervenes in the Mali



Jusqu'à présent, la France a supporté l'essentiel des frais liés à son engagement militaire dans la guerre au Mali, ainsi que la majeure partie des dépenses du contingent important fourni par le Tchad



Following the resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, 20 December 2012, for a "rapid deployment" of an international force in Mali, France launched on January 11 the Serval operation. An operation launched in 48 hours todislodge Islamist groups arm ed occupying northern Mali since the military coup of 22 March 2012 and began a conquest to the south and the capital, Bamako. Nearly a year later, France is compelled to maintain troops in number (2,800 soldiers), as the situation seems fragile. Nearly 13,000 men are also deployed in integrated multidimensional United Nations Mission for Stabilization in Mali (Minusma). The French will be followed in December of another intervention of French forces under UN mandate, the Central African Republic.

Read the story: Mali: "We broke the dungeon AQIM"

  • February 11: Benedict XVI announced his resignation, the Pope Francis succeeded him



Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation in a speech in Latin at a consistory at the Vatican , Monday, Feb. 11. It should take effect from February 28. "I am convinced that my strength, given my age, no longer allow me to exercise the ministry" correctly, he was justified. Argentine Bishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope on March 13 to 76, took the name of Francis. This is the first pope came the American continent and the first Jesuit to assume this function.

Read portrait: Jorge Mario Bergoglio, an austere Jesuit and moderate

Read the introduction of the World: The aggiornamento of Pope Francis



After fourteen years of power and a long agony, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, died March 5. He was 58 years old. Vice President, Nicolas Maduro announced the news with emotion his countrymen, "the hardest and most tragic that we can announce to the people. " Military converted to "socialism of the XXIcentury" career "Commander-president" won thirteen of the fourteen elections since 1998. Hugo Chavez announced in December 2012 to be the victim of a relapse of the cancer that was diagnosed eighteen months earlier. Nicolas Maduro replaced at the head of Venezuela after having won 14 April presidential election.

See the multimedia portrait of Hugo Chavez in five themes

  • June 6: the first revelations of Edward Snowden against NSA



Manifestation en soutien à Edward Snwoden, Place du Trocadero à Paris, le 7 juillet.



Traitor or hero? "Neither one nor the other had replied Edward Snowden in June, from his first exile in Hong Kong. I am an American. "The former employee of the CIA, which revealed the existence of surveillance programs of U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) in collaboration with the journalist Glenn GreenwaldGuardian Is at the origin of a global scandal. According to the documents he revealed, and which Le Monde has had access, the NSA has conducted a massive collection of metadata phone - numbers dialed, call duration, etc.. - From U.S. citizens but also foreign nationals around the world. Under investigation by the FBI, Snowden has since fled to Russia .

Read: Edward Snowden revelations, a global earthquake 

See the interactive visual: Diving in the "octopus" of cyber NSA 

  • June 15: Hassan Rohani was elected president in Iran , negotiations onnuclear are restarted



Le président iranien, Hassan Rohani, le 26 septembre, à New York.



To everyone's surprise, the moderate Hassan Rohani won the June 15 presidential election in Iran, ending eight years of power Conservative executive. His victory, as well as the departure of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are celebrated by thousands of Iranians. At 64, Mr. Rohani advocates more flexibility in dialogue with the West, a dialogue he directed between 2003 and 2005 under the chairmanship Khatami.

Its calls for direct talks with the United States will be acted upon: his telephone conversation with President Barack Obama , September 27, is the first official contact between the two countries since 1979. The "thaw" just support the resumption of negotiations on Iran's nuclear Geneva, culminating in an agreement described as "historic" November 24 between the Iranian delegation, led by Mohammed Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the group the "5 + 1" (United States, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany).

Read: Hassan Rohani, the diplomat Mullah

Read: Meeting between the American and Iranian presidents, a first for thirty-four years

Read: The details of the agreement on the Iranian nuclear

  • July 3: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi is filed by the army



Le général Abdel-Fattah Al-Sissi est devenu le nouvel homme fort de l'Egypte après que l'armée ait déposé le président islamiste Mohamed Morsi, le 3 juillet.



Down heavily in the streets to call Tamarrod movement ("rebellion"), the Egyptians launched on June 30th an ultimatum to President Mohamed Morsi. The Islamist president is accused of wanting s' capture the power in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood and be unable to recover an economy on the brink of bankruptcy.Having rejected an ultimatum by the army to form a "firm consensus" President Morsi is stopped and removed on July 3.

Then undertakes a new transition policy to the head of state, where General Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi 'il impose de facto master of the country, and bloody repression against members and supporters of Mohamed Morsi , which launched two sit-in inCairo , Al-Rabiya places Adawiya and Ennahda. While the leaders and supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were arrested and charged, the two sit-in violently evacuated by security forces on August 14, leaving hundreds dead.Demonstrations pro Brothers continue, as the repression in the name of the fight against terrorism will gradually s' extend to all critics of the regime.

See: In Egypt, four days have seen fall Morsi

Read the report: Wednesday, August 14, 7:00, Cairo becomes war zone

Read: The Egyptian revolutionaries close ranks against the return of the police state (in edition subscribers)

Read: Mohamed Morsi will be tried for "espionage" and conspiracy of "terrorist acts"

  • August 21: Chemical Attack against the suburbs of Damascus



In the early hours of the morning on August 21, an amateur pictures warn of ongoing attacks in eastern and western Ghouta, suburbs east and south-west of Damascus, Syria. The number of victims and symptoms suggest thinking to chemical attack of great magnitude. The Syrian regime is challenged by the opposition. The evidence in the following days by Western intelligence confirms the thesis of a major chemical attack carried out by the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. The latter, blaming the attack on "terrorist" groups that drive the uprising since March 15, 2011, authorizes finally, on August 25, a survey of the United Nations on the use of chemical weapons in Syria .

The first findings of the UN mission, published on September 16, confirmed the use of chemical weapons, without designating those responsible. The "red line" set by President Barack Obama and his French and British counterparts, has been crossed. Threat of armed intervention, the Syrian regime agreed under the pressure of its Russian ally, to dismantle and destroy its chemical arsenal. The Security Council of the UN adopted on September 27, a resolution that regulates this process. On the ground, fighting continues in parallel with diplomatic efforts tofind a political solution to the Syrian crisis, which has more than 126 000 deaths in 33 months.

Read: Syria: Army accused of massive bombing and chemical attacks

Read: A doctor in Damascus: "I knew these people were going to die"

Read: Bashar Al-Assad, the survivor (in edition subscribers)

Read: The chemical disarmament of Syria, "a unique event in modern history"

  • September 27: The IPCC issued its 5th report 



Carte des risques liés au réchauffement climatique



The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) adopted the first part of his fifth report, more alarming than its previous version 2007 text. Verdict: the temperature of the Earth could rise up to 4.8 ° C by 2100, and sea level s' raisenearly 1 meter. Experts climate also feel now "extremely likely" - that is to say, in their writings, with a probability greater than 95% - that the rise in global temperatures recorded since the mid-twentieth century is well well the fact of the accumulation of greenhouse gases of human origin.

Read the report: Global warming: IPCC experts harden their diagnosis

Read the chat: Climate: "The IPCC report is not catastrophic"

Read decryption: Pause warming: legends and truths

  • October 17: WHO declares carcinogenic air pollution found



Pollution à Harbin, dans la province chinoise du Heilongjiang, le 21 novembre.



The Centre International Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution class "known carcinogen" in humans. So far, only the fine particles and diesel were in this category. According to IARC, 223,000 people died in 2010 of lung cancer in relation to the air pollution. It also promotes bladder cancers and is a risk factor for other respiratory diseases (asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease chronic obstructive) and cardiovascular disease. Exposure to the finer particles (PM2, 5) would cause 3.2 million premature deaths (before age 65) in the world, mainly due to cardiovascular disease.

Read the article: The outdoor air pollution is "carcinogenic", according to WHO

Read the editorial in the World: Air pollution, a health scourge

Read the article: In China, Harbin metropolis paralyzed by pollution

  • November 8: Typhoon Haiyan devastates Philippines





    In Tacloban, Leyte Island, December 14, more than a month after the passage of Haiyan Philippines, bodies are discovered every day. 
    Credits: JOHN Javellana FOR THE WORLD     
  • 2 / 5
    Pour les pompiers, les gestes sont bien rodés. Il n'y a qu'à enfermer les corps dans un sac plastique et à les transporter jusqu'à la benne de leur camion.
  • 3 / 5
    Les cadavres sont généralement repérés à l'odeur, mélangée à celle des déchets que l'on brûle.
Play SlideshowGo to portfolio



The passage of Haiyan, one of the most violent typhoons have never touched the ground, hit the central islands of the Philippines with winds exceeding 300 km / h and similar to a giant tsunami waves. The official death toll of more than 6,000 dead and nearly 1,800 missing, keeps s' weigh : every day, decomposing bodies are still being discovered. The government has estimated that more than 4 million people had lost their housing and that many of them would still need to be provided with the aid food, shelter, and work. According to the president, Benigno Aquino, the Philippines need nearly 3 billion (€ 2.2 billion) to rebuild the devastated areas.

Read the reports : Haiyan sows death and chaos in the Philippines(subscriber edition) Ten days after the passing Haiyan, Filipinos rely on the sky and A Tacloban, life resumes in the company of corpses

Read: Typhoon Haiyan: China criticized after minimal assistance to the Philippines

See the video: Tacloban before and after Typhoon Haiyan

  • November 21: the failure of Vilnius and the Ukrainian crisis



A week before its planned signing at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the European Union (EU) to Vilnius ( Lithuania ), on 28 and 29 November, the Ukraine waives the association agreement proposed by the EU.While the EU and Russia are engaged in a struggle for influence in the countries of the former Soviet bloc plagued by economic difficulties, Kiev chose Russia. At the call of the opposition, including former Prime Minister prison, Yulia Tymoshenko, tens of thousands of people gather in Kiev during a demonstration in favor ofEurope on 24 November.

For a month, the pro-Europeans appear to Maidan, the Independence Square, a symbolic place of the "revolution orange "pro-Western 2004. Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, whose government has survived a confidence vote, sign, December 15 in Moscow, a Closer Economic Partnership Agreement with Russia. The country will invest $ 15 billion (€ 10.9 billion) in securities of the Ukrainian government and reduce by one third the price of its gas supplies to Ukraine.

Read: Ukraine back on a month of crisis

Read the editorial in the World: Ukraine-Europe: the snub Kiev

Read portrait: Vitali Klitschko, the former boxer who is leading the protest in Ukraine



He said he was "neither a saint nor a prophet." It has been compared to Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King. Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95 at his home in Johannesburg on December 5 after a long battle against the disease. Born July 18, 1918, Nelson Mandela joined in 1942 the African National Congress (ANC) to fight against apartheid in South Africa . A fight that earned him to be sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 for "high treason and attempting to overthrow the government by force." Released in 1990 after 27 years of captivity, his fight Madiba will lead to the abolition of apartheid , June 30, 1991. In 1993, he won the Nobel Prize for Peace with South African President FW De Klerk, and the following year became the first elected president of the Africa Southeast. 

Read obituary: Death of Nelson Mandela, the African capital

See: The 11 striking images of the ceremony in tribute to Mandela

Read Mandela's speech came in History

  • December 19: Mikhail Khodorkovsky pardoned by President Putin



L'ancien oligarque russe Mikhaïl Khodorkovski (au centre), à l'issue de sa conférence de presse, à Berlin, le 22 décembre.



Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on December 19 that he would signa decree to pardon Khodorkovsky. The former oligarch, releasable in August 2014, serving a sentence of ten years in prison for "fraud and tax evasion." From the beginning, his supporters saw it as a political score-settling against the Kremlin man too independent businessman who had shown political ambitions by supporting the opposition.

This grace, which is considered a gesture of President Putin at the approach ofthe Olympics Sochi Winter in February 2014, was implemented on 20. Former Russian tycoon flew for Germany , where he assured that he did not intend "s'involved in the battle for power. " On 25 December, the Russian Supreme Court announced it would review the records of his two trials , involving also his former partner, Platon Lebedev, still in prison.

Read: Mikhail Khodorkovsky, 10 years in prison Putin

Read portrait: Khodorkovsky, the former oil tycoon who wanted to compete with Putin

Read the interview: "The grace of Khodorkovsky is a symbol and a very strong signal"

  • December 25: A corruption scandal is wobbling the Erdogan government, already challenged in Turkey



Les gens scandent des slogans lors d'une manifestation anti-gouvernementale sur la place Taksim à Istanbul, le 29 Juin 2013. Les protestations initialement déclenchées par une action brutale de la police contre une bataille de conservation local pour sauver le parc Gezi d'Istanbul fait boule de neige dans des manifestations nationales contre le gouvernement islamique enracinée, laissant quatre morts et près de 8.000 blessés.



Three months before municipal elections, Turkey sinks back into crisis. Already challenged in June by a large protest movement, part of the Taksim Square in Istanbul, the Islamist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan held firm. But he finally fell on December 25 following the resignation of three ministers implicated in a vast political and financial scandal. Came to power in 2002, the head of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), Erdogan was forced to make a major cabinet reshuffle. It remains determined to resist by all means to justice , his rivals and the street, which reproached him for his authoritarian tendencies and laws deemed restrictive in terms of secularism. Protests continued in the country to callfor his departure and denounce corruption as head of state.

