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49ers fan pastor gives world's shortest sermon so

49ers fan pastor gives world's shortest sermon so

49ers fan pastor gives world's shortest sermon so he won't miss kickoff



Pastor Tim Christensen leads the flock at Gold Hill Lutheran Church in Butte, Montana. Pastor Christensen is also a huge 49ers fan. And the 49ers' playoff game on Sunday directly conflicted with the normally scheduled church service. So Pastor Christensen took matters into his own hands and performed the preaching equivalent of a hurry-up offense.

You can watch the video above - really, it won't take long - or you can read this transcript below:

Pastor: "Would you all like to be forgiven for your sins?"

Congregation: "Yes."

Pastor: "OK, that's great. You are. Today's message was supposed to be about wine, and servanthood, but you know all about that, right?"

Congregation: "Right."

Pastor: "There's bread and wine on the table, feel free to help yourself. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."

He then followed with a not-quite-holy-but-pretty-inspiring Kaepernick-style bicep kiss and Newton-style Superman reveal of his 49ers shirt. And with that, he was out the door.

Well done, sir. Let's just enjoy this, and not think too deeply on whether the church or the NFL is the most dominant force in American life today.

[Via Deadspin, Uproxx]

