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Double-Barrelled AR-15 Going Into Full Production

Double-Barrelled AR-15 Going Into Full Production

Double-Barrelled AR-15 Going Into Full Production In United States (Video)



When this rifle first came into the public eye, we were less than enthusiastic. It seemed like a gimmick, and to be honest that’s how it started — they needed a “show stopper” for a military trade show. But instead of just being an interesting engineering product, Gilboa is going into full production right here in the United States to put these on the shelves and in the hands of American shooters . . . Since the ATF defines a “machine gun” as any firearm that fires multiple rounds with the pull of a single trigger, Gilboa is re-designing the rifle to have two individual triggers instead of the single trigger setup currently being used.

We’ve been promised one will be on its way to TTAG command central for a test as soon as it’s ready, and we’ll let you know how it works.

Tricky tricky. This is definitely a handsome looking assault weapon but it remains to be seen how well it fires, handles and how it does in the field. I am sure there will be legal battles as well with the government. If I could buy one, I probably would, it looks awesome.