Total de visitas: 699655

With 60 minutes to go, can we get to $600,000?

With 60 minutes to go, can we get to $600,000?

With 60 minutes to go, can we get to $600,000?


This is it, the final hour of the campaign and we are less that $12,000 away from the audio stretch goal.

So, if you want bluetooth and streaming audio support built-into the Spheramid, now is the time to be tweeting, emailing, skywriting and shouting about Ninja Sphere from the rooftops.

For the backers that pledged a few dollars so they could get the updates, you're running out of time to take advantage of the Kickstarter specials. You'll have the ability to pre-order on our site later, but it will cost you more.

We'll have a wrap-up soon, but just to repeat ourselves... thankyou very much to each and every one of you. The amount of enthusiasm on the forums, in the comments, at CES and in private messages has been astounding. We're looking forward to delivering Ninja Sphere, and we're sure you're going to love it.


- Team Ninja

